Day off shenanigans

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Sock's POV 

Getting off the bus behind Johnathan I realized my work was done for the week. Still contemplating on what I should do too busy my mind, I followed the boy all the way to his house. When suddenly I got an idea and said goodbye to my teen and went down to the office in hell. I popped into the doorway of the office and saw Mephistopheles was on his desk, staring out at the hell construction through his short window. 

"Hey boss!" I called out to him, before I made my way to his desk. 

"Kid, I told you can call me Mephistopheles," he replied turning to look at me. His legs hung over his desk, "what do you need?"

"I have a question about my job" I swung back and forth. 

"No you can't kill John-"

I cut him off, "no I wanna know if he kills himself on a day I'm not working, does that mean I didn't complete my job?"

Mephi stared at me then answered, "well yeah you technically do complete your job if that happens." His eyes widen "did he punch his ticket? No wait, I would've seen him." He waved himself off. "Also, what are you doing on your days off this week?"  

I stopped swinging and thought about it. "I was just going to annoying Jon for a bit longer." He nodded and waved me off telling me to have a good weekend. 

Johnathan's POV  

I sighed and walked into my house, which was almost silent, except for the buzzing of the fridge. Kicking my shoes off at the door I made my way up the stairs and into my room. Placing my bag onto my bed I started to feel how dirty I was, I had been worried that Sock would try and scare me in the shower, so I didn't shower all week. But now that it's his day off I can take my shower in peace. I took off my headphones and placed them onto my desk along with my hoodie.

I walked out of my room and then into my bathroom which was littered with old clothes. I have to clean those up. Turning the knobs of the hot then cold water I got undressed putting my clothes into the filthy clothing pile and into the shower. 

After the shower I was thankful the pest didn't scare me this time and I wrapped a towel around my waist. As I got to my bedroom, I took note of the demon sitting on my bed not blinking.

"Hey hot stuff" he laughed. 

 For fuck sakes. I groaned and grabbed my hoodie off of my desk putting it on then turning to my closet. "You look at me while I change, and I will make sure your ass is deader than it already is." I threatened him but he just laughed in return. Looking back at him I saw he was distracted looking at something on the streets. Taking the opportunity, I grabbed my shorts and pulled them on and then a random navy shirt. I shut the doors to my closet and went and sat at my desk. 

"Jonny boy is all ready for bed aww" he pouted at me. 

I rolled my eyes, "yeah because I've been at school and it's a pain in my ass."

"You know what else is a pain in the ass?" Sock floated closer to me. 

"You?" He looked at me and crossed his arms, then looked away and grumbled. "Awe poor Sock got insulted" I pouted at him in a sarcastic manner. I laughed to myself as the demon floated out of my room. Now what to do? Oh yeah, sleep. 

I jumped into my bed and cuddled into my pillow. I couldn't care was sock was planning to do, all that I wanted was sleep. 

When I woke up the sun was setting leaving my room looking a mix of black and orange. The little bit of sun warmed my back as I sat up rubbing my eye looking around my room for anything out of place. Somehow there wasn't. I placed my feet on the ground and hopped up then fell back, I got up slower then the first attempt and I started to walk to the door when Sock appeared from the roof looking at me.

"Have a nice sleep, did we?" He asked as I eyed him madly.

"Why are you in my ceiling again?" I asked but walked away as he started his answer. 

I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed out bread of the fridge, I placed it onto the bench where there was a cutting board and some PeanutButter left out. It was like goo as it went on to my cold bread. I picked up the finished sandwich and bit into it while turning. Sock was right behind me with his eyes rolled back and his tongue out. I screamed and bit my tongue.

My sandwich fell from my mouth and landed on my floor. Watching that happen I looked up at Sock and yelled, "my sandwich!"

He got defensive and put his hands in front of his face, "woah! Calm down Johnathan!"

"That was my dinner!"

He motioned behind me, "just make another one!"

"I'm only agreeing with you because I'm hungry." I mentioned as I turned back around and doing the same as I did before with more sloppiness. I grumbled and bit into my new sandwich.

"So, what are you doing now?"


The pest rolled his eyes like a kid, "but I want to annoy you."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "why tell me that? Stupid demon." I mumbled as I walked away from the floating boy. 

I finished my sandwich as I sat on my bed, it now being cold from being alone. I wiped my eyes and hair back before laying under my blanket. As I moved my head to my pillow it felt quite harder than usual and sharp. I shot up hitting my pillow to the ground and it made a loud thump noise as it hit. Groaning I got out of my comfortable bed I grabbed the outer layer of my contaminated pillow and shook it, out came a bunch of all different rocks and maybe brick? 

3rd person POV 

"Sock!!" Yelled out Johnathan. Then seconds later he ran down the stairs trying to find the ginger demon. He could hear Socks short giggles and followed the sound to the living room couch. The angry teen threw a handful of the rocks concoction at the other teen laughing at him, but luckily for Sock he moved out of the way before he got hit.

Jon pulled at his bleached hair and growled, "Sock I'm going to kill you."

"Can't do that," he said floating on his back, "I'm already dead~" His voice was teasing Johnathan who was staring at the boy. 

Sock stuck out his tongue and disappeared into thin air. The alive teen kicked the rocks that got onto the floor into the wall before stomping back up to his own bedroom. He planted his face into the now soft pillow, yelling curses.

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