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"Hey, Changbin. Going home?", one of Changbin's classfellows, Park Chanyeol, slides his arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, man. How are you?", Changbin asks back.

"I'm just so fucking tired of work. It's annoying.", Chanyeol releases a sigh.

"Damn, we-"

"Hey, stop right there! You little piece of shit!", a man yells.

Before the two guys could turn around to look at the commotion, a figure jumps over them and lands on their feet, continuing their escape.

"There she goes again.", Chanyeol sighs again. They both expected the random girl running away, stealing something. It was an everyday thing.

"Because of people like her, this world can't get any better.", Chanyeol shakes his head.

"What if she's compelled to do it?", Changbin stared at the girl as she drifted away at an incredibly fast pace.

Changbin had thought that if she enrolled in a school, she'd be the most athletic one. Who knows, maybe that school would even send her to competitions and all.

"Seriously Changbin, you should stop taking her side. She's just a thief that steals for her own good. If you love her so much, why not just date her and help her since you're so rich?", Chanyeol teased him.

It wasn't like he liked her. He just felt bad for her. He was sure that she was doing all this just for someone. Or he wanted to believe that. Maybe he did love her.

"Stop.", Changbin playfully hit Chanyeol on the arm.

"Alright, alright. Mister Seo, shall we go now?"



"You're home?", Changbin's mother asks him.

"No, I'm eating ramen at the store.", Changbin joked at which his mother laughed.

"Well then, come back soon, will ya?", she joked back.

"Mm. Something smells good.", Changbin took his shoes off and entered the house.

"I'm making fried rice.", his mom walked towards the kitchen, resuming her cooking.

"Really?", he followed his mom in the kitchen.

"Go change your uniform first.", his mom complained.


Breaking news

Another thief was caught stealing and is now taken under the police custody.

The thief stated that he was only doing so to feed his little daughter. They've been suffering because of poverty due to having no jobs and no source of money.

These days, there are many cases featuring theft due to poverty and hunger.

"Son, you should stay safe. Don't take any valuable things with you when you go out and only take out the necessary amount of money.", his mother cut the onions.

"Mom. He must've suffered.", Changbin stared at the TV. His mom looked at his face and thought of an excuse.

"Well, he should've worked harder and gotten a job. Then, he could've gotten his daughter pretty things, a nice place to stay and marry her off to a wealthy man."

"Or the rich one's could've just helped him and other thousands of people."

"You know what? This isn't our problem. Your problem, right now, is to change your clothes. Go.", his mom lightly pushed him so he'd start to walk away and he did.


"Hey.", Chanyeol catched up to Changbin.

"Hey.", Changbin answered, unenthusiastically.

"Why so gloomy?", Chanyeol asked.


"You know I'm your best friend and I'm there for you, right?", Chanyeol spoke in a high note.

"Ew. Stop.", Changbin cringed.

"I was just trying to be a supportive bestie.", Chanyeol wiped a fake tear.

"Fuck off."

"Woah, you're really pissed.", Chanyeol raised his brows."What's wrong?"

"I just want to go home. I'm tired.", Changbin walked faster.

A few minutes passed and now they were walking in their neighbourhood. Chanyeol didn't say a word as he knew how scary Changbin is when he's angry.

The sound of shattering glass was heard, startling the two.

"Come back! You bitch!", a woman yelled.

"What? What? What is it?", Chanyeol rapped."We should run back home. Get home safely, dude. Hurry.", Chanyeol already started to run as his house was more farther away than Changbin's house.

Meanwhile, Changbin wasn't fazed at all. He was standing there as if nothing was bothering him. The sound of a shattering glass, a woman yelling, nothing bothered him. He was looking at the one and only figure.

"Hey, kid! Stop her.", the same woman yelled at Changbin. He was startled. Without a second thought, he started to run after the said girl. It wasn't exactly 'after' her, he was running just anywhere. He didn't know what to do so he just started to run at a random direction.

After a few seconds of running, police sirens were heard. Changbin didn't know what to do and why he was running so he stopped in his tracks.

Right after, he felt someone's head hit his back. He fell down on his knees, groaning.

"Ouch, what the he-", Changbin's mouth automatically shut up when he saw the person who hit their head on his back.

"Fuck.", the girl groaned in pain. She immediately got up and right when she was about to run away, she was pulled back by Changbin.

"Hey! Let me go!", she yelled but was shut down by Changbin's hand on her mouth.

"Keep quiet. They're here.", Changbin whispered to her ear.

The sirens of police cars were getting louder and louder as each second passed by. A few minutes later, it was finally quiet.

"Let go of me.", the girl forcefully freed herself from Changbin's grasp. He didn't let go of her wrist even when she was trying her best to free it.

"What the fuck?! Let me go!", she yelled but Changbin didn't move his hand a single inch.

"Hey.", Changbin said with a warm voice.

"What the fuck is your problem, huh?!", she yelled.

"I want to know your reasons. I'm curious.", the girl looked at him for a few seconds and then looked away.

"Fuck my reasons. You're a stranger, I don't know you. So, fuck off.", she jerked his hand away and ran away.

Changbin stood their with an unreadable facial expression. Why did he look so sad? Or was it anger?

On the other hand, the girl ran away as fast as she could only to reach a certain place. To a certain someone to help them.


A/N: Hello. Just wanted to say that this may be a really short story like it might or might not have less than 10 chapters

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the first chapter so far 😊

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