~*~Chapter one~*~

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Today is Valentine's day;
"Do plans ever work?"
Prince Fluff mumbled to himself fixing yet another fallen bouquet of flowers that lined his small flower shop near Kirby's apartment. He finished fixing the flowers the straightened out his apron, he had just finished helping the last of the customers- which were mainly men and boys looking for flowers to give to their loved ones on this pitiful day, of course thats what you'd think but this year on this day Prince Fluff had been making plans after plans trying to find the perfect way to confess his feelings towards Kirby, which ranged from a scene like 'kiss the girl' from the little mermaid to shoving flowers in Kirby's beautiful face and just barely spitting the words out, but the two dorks were just so close and Prince Fluff didnt know how Kirby would feel towards him. The Prince sighed putting the last bit of money he recived into a large jar the soft klink the coins made put a little bit of noise into the unusually quiet atmosphere
This is never going to work Prince Fluff thought to himself almost pitifully as the calm atmosphere was broken by the small bell that rings whenever the door is opened. Prince Fluff looked up to see who it was and was about to start off with the normal NPC dialogue greeting when he saw who it was and had to hold back every last bit of blood to stop himself from blushing
"Hey Prince Fluff! Business still good? I bet it is seeing as its Valentine's day and this is the best Flower shop in town!"

Human!Kirby x Human!Prince Fluff Do plans ever work?Where stories live. Discover now