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~¢нαρтєя 2~

George. He's amazingly beautiful. He has the best eyes. Best body. Best face. Best personality. Best EVERYTHING.

I wanted him


But could never get him.

At school i was in my seat.

George sat by me AGAIN!

I had a lot of butterflies!!

He looked at me with the biggest smile i've ever seen. It was adorable. I smiled back. But looked away. He was still starring at me. I felt his breath on my arm. I looked at him. He looked away. I looked away. He looked back.

It was like a little game. It made my face red... Then he started to burst out laughing. I did as well too. But then Ms. Sky shut us up.

She ruined the moment.

I actually enjoyed life for the 1st time in years.

After class i was running to my next.

Got there safely. For the first time.

During 2nd period i just thought of George the whole time.

Whenever i tried to close him out he'll just pop in again.

I got annoyed.

But whenever he did i would smile. I probably looked like a retard.

But i always do anyways.

Break started and i was sitting at a table.


I was reading my book called "Creature Unloveable"

It's an amazing book.

Rian was similar to me.

Only if i were her friend.

George came up to me and sat by me.

I scooted away.

He scooted closer...

I looked at him.

He looked at me.

We had eye contact.

He smiled.

I smiled.

He said "Wanna go to the park later?"

I said "I'm Fine. But thank you."

"Come on. Don't leave me hanging."

"I'm sorry"

"Please. I'll be your best friend"

I grinned. But said nothing...

"How about we go and eat at a place or something?"

"What do i have to do to make you leave me alone?"

(I didn't want him to)

"Just say YES and i'll leave"

"Fine. Okay."

"Give me your number"


"Thanks. See you later on today."



I got home. Scared. Didn't know what to wear. I just grabbed tight jeans and a shirt that made my boobs look bigger. I wore converse. He liked converse. I think. Probably cause' he wears converse like everyday.

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