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Hellman's week of absence must have been a fluke; she's already tried to dump red paint on me today twice. So, we send Hort through the doorways first. He doesn't even seem to mind. At least he's being useful for once.

Her petty, little, girl scout pranks continue throughout the week, and every time I see her in class I struggle to not make a scene. It's hard being a DeVil and not acting dramatic, I'm trying my hardest here. But i don't, for Leonora. That and the fact it would make me just as bad as Zylia, who interrupted the lesson on her first day here.

I allow her trivial games to continue for a while. Or well that is until she grabbed Lesso's hand in the dining hall and tried to kiss her. Leonora pushed her away immediately but, before she could warrant any further punishment, I was playing cat and mouse.

I grabbed the brunette's hair and dragged her to the middle of the room. She squealed in pain and tried to spin in my grip. Unsuccessfully. I release my grip and her hand flies to her obnoxiously large head.

"Oh I apologise, my sleeve zipper must've caught your hair." I mock.

"Your top doesn't have a zipper DeVil. Or sleeves for that matter," She growls, indicating to my cropped tank top.

"Must have slipped my mind." She glares at me. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Lady Lesso is uninterested in your advances?"

"Do you always speak this fancy? Or is it a feeble attempt at looking intellectual in front of everyone else." She chides.

"No. It happens when i am extraordinarily angry. My mothers trait I assume." I sigh, suddenly longing for a knife to kill this fucking idiot. The blue eyed pesk starts to rant and I zone out, unamused expression on my face. I check over her shoulder to see my lover smirking and playing with her rings. She catches my gaze and blows me a kiss. I roll my eyes and decide to resume whatever interaction I unfortunately initiated with Hellman.

Regrettably (for Hellman) I zone in as she insults my mother. "Your mother is an attention seeking, narcissistic, whiny bitch with no life."

"I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you?" I say, fists clenching. I reach for the purple mist in the back of my mind, it's swirling tentacles sticking to my skin. The irresistibly empowering magic swirls in my veins, faster and faster at every insult.

"I said your mother is a bitch." She spits and I clench my jaw painfully. This girl picked the wrong fight.

"Well at least my mother isn't behind metal bars for murdering two women." Hester and the others push to the front of the continuously growing crowd.

"One, and I know your secret."

"Two and everyone knows. It's not a secret."

"One." She argues.

"Estella Von Hellman is dead. Cruella DeVil is not." I smile sinisterly. Zylia lets out a frustrated cry and swings her fist to my jaw. I smile, she's exactly where I want her to be. She did exactly what I wanted her to do.

I kick her in the stomach harshly and she keels over. Grabbing her hair I connect my knee to her face. She drops to the floor on all fours. Cheers sound like an alarm, it comes from everywhere at once.

"You look an awful lot like a dog right now."

"You're going to hell." She spits, blood spattering on the ebony coloured tiles.

"I'm already aware of that, at this point it's go big or go home." I muse, allowing the purple aura to consume me. I've never felt as connected to my magic as I do now. My finger starts to glow purple, although not unlocked fully, as rage becomes my partner.

She drags herself to a standing position like a puppet attached to strings. Her hair covers her face, but as she looks up it falls away, allowing me to observe her face.

It's not the anger and rage prominent in her features that catches my attention, it's her eyes that glow a deep purple. So similar to mine it makes me sick. Looks like I'm not the only one with this magic in the family.

She sends sparks flying at me, but I beat them aside using my magic. It's a good thing I'm used to Hester spitting at me. The sparks dance across the floor and someone pushes Beatrix's dress onto it - flames catching her purple tulle. Hester grabs it and tears off the bottom of her dress - grabbing the blonde never who pushed her.

He grabs a drink and smashes it on her head. She picks up a plate and smashes it over his. And that's how the food fight started. The teachers made no attempt to stop anything.

I send Zylia across the hall with my magic in her moment of distraction and she skids along the table - dress spattered with half eaten food. She rolls off the wood and disappears from sight. I turn around and her fist connects with my face. She definitely busted my nose. Piece of shit. Blood starts to pour and I wipe it away with the back of my hand before tackling Zylia around the waist. I release my grip and she falls to the floor.

I really was expecting this fight to be more magic than fists but oh well. Food flies in every direction around me - spells being thrown and the teachers panic finally setting in. I pin Zylia's arms to the floor as she attempts to get up and sit on her stomach harshly. She whines and tries to break free.
"You've been caught in my trap, little bird." I grin, blood in my mouth. "Give up yet?"


"How foolish of you." I smile before punching her stomach. "I think you deserve twenty one punches." I snarl between hits. "For every year you've tarnished my mother's name with your existence."

Her hands cover her face at the fourth and someone's arms hook under mine, dragging me from her bleeding figure. I let them willingly, their strong grip familiar. I stand up and lean into them, their body becoming my weak figures pillar. People peel Zylia from the ground and take her to the infirmary. "Baby, I had that under control." My red-headed lover  whispers.

"I don't care. She needs to stay away from what's mine."

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