Chapter 1

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I was preparing the breakfast when somebody hugged me from behind and the person said "Good morning bhabhi , what are you making today?"

I looked at the person and smiled "Masala dosa for my little Arya and good morning to you too"

(Arya Raghuwanshi the little sister of Aditya Raghuwanshi the youngest and the only daughter of the Raghuwanshi family)

"Bhabhi I am not little and moreover I am only 3 years younger than you, Avi Bhai and Ashu Bhai" she pouted after saying that. I chuckled at her and resumed my work.

"So bhabhi when are they coming?" she asked while sitting on the stool next to the kitchen island.

"In a week i suppose, Maa said she and Chachi wanna stay there for more than that but Papa and Chachu want to come as fast as they can so they can continue the new project."

"I see and what happened last night? Did you do what I told you?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"N-no i can't do something like that Arya especially not right now and what if your brother starts thinking that I am weirdo and stop talking to me, it's not like that he talks to me now but.... you know what I mean right?"

"Oh bhabhi but you should try it I know men" she said confidently. "They can't resist beautiful woman and you bhabhi are beautiful as a rose, delicate and beautiful and no-one can resist you trust me" she said nodding her head.

"Who can't resist who?" asked Advik entering the kitchen. "Oh today's breakfast is dosa and what are you wearing Arya?" He said raising his left eyebrow.

 "Oh today's breakfast is dosa and what are you wearing Arya?" He said raising his left eyebrow

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"So now you became blind too Avi Bhai?"

"My eyes are well enough and I am certainly not blind. I was only asking because I have never seen you wearing something traditional except for Bhai and Chaya's wedding" Advik said while leaning on the fridge after taking out a bottle of water.

"Well.... I have a dance performance in the college that is why I am wearing this otherwise...."

"Why? You look great in this I think you should wear suits more often" I said while finishing my work.

"Bhabhi I don't know....By the way you look gorgeous I am sure Bhai would be thinking about you only today". Arya said smiling at me which only made be flustered.

Only if it was true. I thought.

"By the way I didn't get my answer?" Advik said looking at Arya

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"By the way I didn't get my answer?" Advik said looking at Arya.

"Nothing you should know Bhai" she said stepping out of the kitchen.

"This girl" Advik sighed while shaking his head.

"Do you need any help Chaya?"

"Naah you just go and sit I will bring the food"

He smiled at me and left.

****At the breakfast table****

Everyone was eating their food when someone cleared their throat or should I say when my lovely husband cleared his throat indicating that he wanted to say something to me.

How do I know that? Because he talks normally to everyone except for me. And every time when he tries to talk to me which rarely happens either he coughs or clear his throat before saying something which is annoying to be honest. I wish someday this changes but for now I can't do anything I suppose.

"Yes Aditya?" when I said that everyone on the table looked at me with different emotions which includes Advik, Arya and Aditya because the rest of the family were out of town.

"I won't be home tonight". That's all he said before standing up and leaving for his office.

"Bhabhi" Arya elbowed me and said "Lunch". I looked at her in confusion.

"Bhabhi Bhai ko lunch to dedo" was all I could hear  before rushing to the kitchen and grabbing the lunch box which I packed earlier.

I ran towards the outside of the house well which is technically a Bungalow but we will talk about it later not the time to talk about my house.

"Sun..iye your lunch" I said before passing the lunch box to my husband who was well talking to someone on phone.

He hung up the call and looked at me like he wanted to say something but he didn't and started walking towards his car after snatching the lunchbox from me.

Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm "You wanted to say something?" I don't why I asked that and did what I did but now I can't  reverse my actions, I wish there was Uno reverse card in real life so I could help myself at times like this.

"Quit the act will you" he said and left without saying anything else as always.

It hurts, it hurts alot. I don't know why he is like that towards me and this is not the first time he said something like this. From the first night of our marriage he made it clear that he does not want me around.

The memory is still fresh in my mind when he said "You and I can never be together, if it wasn't for Dad I would have never married someone like you. So it would be better for you if you stay away from me. Don't do anything the other wives do for their husbands because I won't be doing anything for you as well.

We are strangers and we will be strangers until I find a way to get rid of you"

A tear rolled down my left eye when I thought about that night, my first night with my husband.

Funny isn't it? I am so pathetic... But what can I do I can't think about leaving him because I love him. He doesn't know that and he doesn't need to know that before I make him fall for me.

I know it's delusional of me to even think that he, Mr Aditya Raghuwanshi will ever fall for any girl let alone be me. Because he doesn't do relationships but right now he is stuck with me.

Why you ask, because he can't say no to his father for anything.

It was only when I turned around I saw Advik looking at me with an unknown emotion. Unknown? Because it's hard to read him. One can read Aditya for once but Advik? Naah that can't happen until a person has supernatural powers.

I smiled a little looking at him and went inside the bungalow. I didn't want to talk to anyone about me and Aditya, atleast not now.

And I guess Advik got the hint because he didn't follow me inside.

Hope you guys like the first chapter.

Tell me your thoughts about it.

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