The recording

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Jay - Uh- where did she go?

Jake - I don't care, I am starting to freeze and she can freeze here all she wants. I am going inside. (He tried opening the door but seemed to be struggling.) Uh, guys. The door isn't opening.

Sunghoon - What do you mean it won't open? You're just weak, let me try. (He also struggled opening the door.) It's actually stuck.

Jungwon - It's not stuck, it's locked!

Jake - Ugh YN! (He yelled in frustration)

<Before that happened>

I recorded everything and smiled in satisfaction. Finally! I heard enough of them and quietly went into the house and locked the door. Oh, I'm not being rude. This is payback. More like karma. Actually, I call this a taste of your own medicine.

<The next day>

I was just at my lockers when suddenly I heard someone screaming my name. I smirked knowing it was Heeseung's voice and that the other guys were with him. I turned around and the students were looking at us.

Heeseung - Yn!

Yn - Ugh, what do you want?

Heeseung - What do we want? We want to know why you'd do that to us at our house!

Student 1 - What? She went to their house!

Student 2 - Didn't they used to be best friends?

The students were getting on my nerves.

Yn - Be quiet and mind your own business! (I shouted at the students which made them flinch and continued doing their own things.)

Heeseung - Yn, why did you do that to us?!

Yn - Do what?

Niki - You know what you did! Stop acting dumb!

Yn - I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Jake - Ugh! I can't take this anymore! Yn, Stop acting dumb! We know you locked us out of our house! Because of you, you made me sick!

Yn - Sucks to be you.

Jake - What?

Yn - Sucks to be you. (I repeated with a poker face)

Jay - Are you serious right now?

Yn - Do I look like I am kidding! You really think that I'm that dumb.

Sunghoon - Yeah.

Yn - Then why are you using me for your grades? (I said which made their eyes widen)

Heeseung - N-no we're not. What makes you think that?

I then took out my phone and made them listen to the recording. Their eyes were widened which caused me to chuckle.

Yn - Look who's the dumb one now.

Jungwon - Give me that. (He tried taking it)

Yn - Ah ah ah. (I backed away) If any of you guys dare to mess with me again, I won't hesitate to press this button to show it to the principal.

Heeseung - O-okay. J-just don't press the button.

I threatened them by pretending to push the button which made them scared.

Jake - Don't press it, please. We need to keep our title. (I rolled my eyes in disgust hearing that) We'll do anything!

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