Part 6

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It had been 11 years since Paige had been killed. Outbreak day was 31 years ago, and the world was still hell. After Vian left the hospital base, the guards opened the main gates to follow him. Roamers were piled right outside, and a large hoard had gotten into the base. They overtook the community, and barely anyone survived. The hospital was on complete lockdown, with only a few guards and the doctors.

Vian was now 23 years old and lived in one of the abandoned buildings. He still worried the guards were after him, so he switched where his home base was from time to time. Sometimes, he wondered if he should have left the area entirely, but he knew what would happen if he did.
Survivors found their way to the somewhat abandoned base and searched for shelter. The guards told them to come to the hospital. If one of the survivors was infected, they kept and tortured them; if they weren't, the guards raided them of their stuff and burned their clothes.

Vian had found out they never burnt the bodies unless they were children, which led him to believe they ate the adults. That's why he stays; To lead helpless people away from the hospital.

Vian scratched his dirty beard, sighing at how fast it grew. His brown eyes scanned the area outside the wall, finding no sight of people. Looks like I'm all clear for groups today, he thought. He shifted the sage green cloth around his neck, ensuring it wouldn't slip. He grabbed his bag and crowbar, bending down to snatch the two bunnies he had killed.

When he returned to his base, he started a fire and began preparing the rabbits to eat. As the sun began to set, his food was cooked, and his stomach was hungry. He leaned on a wall as he slowly started to eat, staring into the fire's embers. When he finished his meal, he wiped his hands and stared at the scars on his arms. He ran his fingers over the raised lines, sighing.

He raised himself to grab his sleeping bag and laid it beside the fire, laying down with his gun beside him. Slowly he drifted off, his tired eyes watching the flames shift and sway.

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