901 31 3

march 23rd

"what are we going to do there anyway?" ella asked the other girls as she was putting on her earrings

"i think it's some kind of dinner thing" astrid answered from the other side of the room

"i would rather sleep honestly"

"more like sleep with bojan" iza said

astrid burst out laughing

"oh my god what is wrong with both of you"

"it's clear that you have a crush on him" iza said

"and he clearly likes you too"

"yeah he waited for you yesterday and totally flirted with you during dinner" astrid continued

"no he was just being nice"

did he actually flirt with her?

she hadn't really noticed if he did, she was more relieved that things wasn't akward between the two of them

"suuuure" iza looked at her with her eyebrows raised

"shut up, we have to go or else we're gonna be late" ella said and hurried to grabb her things

all of them left the hotel room and walked into the lobby and elle bumped into someone

"oh my god i'm so sorry-" she began but when she got a look at the person she stopped

"wait you're the girl from norway" she exclaimed

"and you're the girl from sweden" she said

"yeah i'm ella" she gave the girl her hand

"alessandra" she took her hand and shook it

"are you heading to the dinner thing?" astrid asked her

"yes i'm trying to catch a taxi"

"you could go with us" iza stepped into their conversation

"really, thank you"

the girls went out out to the street and succesfully waved down a taxi

"i'm astrid and this is izabella but everyone call her iza" astrid introduced herself and iza when they had gotten settled into the taxi

"alessandra" she introduced herself

"so are you looking forward to this thing" iza asked looking back from the front seat

"i don't know i'm kind of nervous to meet everyone since i'm alone"

"well now you're not anymore" astrid said

alessandra smiled at her

"yeah well i would rather sleep than do this party thing this weekend" ella said leaning back

"just because you have a crush on bojan" iza grinned

"don't even start again"

"you like bojan?" alessandra asked

"no these two knuckleheads just got it up their ass that i like him just because i called him super hot once"

"like you weren't super nervous to meet him yesterday and totally checked him out the whole night" astrid teased

"i was not checking him out!" she exclaimed

"sounds to me like you have a crush on him" alessandra smirked

"i will hit you guys"

𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲; 𝑩𝒐𝒋𝒂𝒏 𝑪𝒗𝒋𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒏Where stories live. Discover now