*I control you. No one else but me*

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"I GAVE YOU TO ROLE OF THE IMPOSTER FOR A FUCKING REASON, BLACK!" Fortegreen pinned him to the wall with his long tentacle, choking the large entity at the same time. "I should've killed you LONG AGO! But no, I only let you live because I wanted to see if you would follow one FUCKING RULE OF MINES!" Black struggled to get out of his grip, his sight becoming blurry before he was dropped harshly onto the ground. "I did what you asked me too! What do you want me to do this time?!" The glitch snarled and bared his teeth at him and picked him up again, pinning him onto the wall, "You failed me, Black. Don't make me change my mind by taking your powers away!" Black felt fear build up inside of his body, gripping the knife in his hand and trying to stab the virus but fails to do so as Fortegreen slapped the weapon out of his hand. "You think you're so smart, eh?" The glitch snarled, "Trust me. I know what you've done ever since I have given you that parasite and powers! You know I have full control of you and trust me, I'll make sure you do as I say the next time you fail me!" He threw Black onto the ground and pinned him on the spot. Black struggled, even if he knew he couldn't get out of this. He wasn't in a nightmare. He wasn't dreaming at all. This was real, and he was facing his true enemy. Or more like his boss, possibly. "Fine!" Black yelled at Fortegreen who just stared at him with cold, angry eyes. "I'll do what you want! Just let me go!" The virus looked at him without emotion, the tentacles on his back twitching a lot. He took out some kind of button and held it in his hand, "If you fail me, this will happen to you until you follow my command...!" He pressed the button, and the other felt a wave of shock and pain course through his entire body, causing him to scream out in pain and keep on struggling. The parasite in his body screamed out as well as it flailed its small tentacles outwards. Fortegreen let the button go as he laughed evily, "The most feared and strongest imposter to ever exist is so fucking weak! Tell me this: who controls you?" Black couldn't answer, he felt like he lost his voice from the amount of pain, slowly looking up at him with anger in his eyes. Yet he couldn't do anything at this point or even ever. "You... control me.." he answered him tiredly. Fortegreen lifted his head up with a claw, "Excellent. You know me to well, don't you?" He pulled his claw away and let him go. "Just letting you know, Black: I'm always listening and watching your every move. Other than when you're horny and that related shit..!" Fortegreen said that last part in disgust and opened the door to his room. Black scoffed and walked out, holding onto his own arm closely as he exited out of the room. Fortegreen snarled and sat on his bed, holding a tablet and putting the button on his desk. He turned the device on that connected a camera that was inside of Black's arm. 

Black headed straight for his room, and sat on his chair. His breathing was labor and weak, he wanted to faint from the intense pain. "Black. I need to talk to you," The large imposter heard Gray say, looking up to find him standing there with his usual knife in his hand. "Gray, not right now..!" Black told him, "I need to be alone, at this point." The killer crewmate felt someone behind him before realizing his dead father was next to him. "I know why he acts like that, Gray. Best if you ask him." Gray breathed out deeply out of his nose and placed his knife on the desk, "Dude. What's up with you? It's like you're not being yourself at all. Something must be up with you." The room was silent for a whole minute as both of them stared at each other for that long until Black finally answered with, "None of your concern. Now get the fuck out, damnit..!" Gray shook his head and turned around. "Fine, be like that. But I'm gonna find out the truth." Once he said that, he grabs his knife and exits the room. Noob49 just floated there, watching him with a disgusted look before following after his son. Once he was alone, Black layed his head on his desk. He couldn't let anyone know his true secret no matter the cost. He knew Fortegreen was watching him. The question: how was he even watching him? There had to be a camera somewhere, or even everywhere on Polus or his skeld. Whatever Fortegreen wanted Black to do, he had a buzzer that will force the imposter to do whatever he wanted him to do. No matter how tough the quest was...

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