Hinokami Kagura

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Rengoku's P.O.V:

''Why did you let us die?''


''You could have saved us!''

I'm sorry

''Why did you leave us behind?''

I didn't mean to

''Save us!''


''Help us!''

Please, just stop!

''You mons-

*Gasp*.....*breathes heavily*.....

Oh...just another dream........?


Where am I?

Third Person Naration:

Rengoku woke up, and stared blankly at the unfamiliar room as he sat up. He started reaching for his katana but it was no where to be found. He looked at his wounds and found them completely healed. As startled as he was, he started making his way outside the room when he noticed that he was cold. With the help of his fire element, he spread heat all over his body. He started moving and opened the door which led to the outside part of the house. He started making his way when he caught a whiff of an enticing scent coming from the other direction. He moved towards it, letting his nose guide the way for him. As mesmerized as he was by the fragrant pheromones, he couldn't believe his eyes as he caught sight of the youngling ahead of him, performing the most beautiful dance he had ever seen in his whole prime. Even the court dancers were incomparable. Rengoku's eyes followed the boy's every movement, from his legs to the tips of his fingers. This momentous scene had made Rengoku forget about his nightmare and think that this was just a dream. A very beautiful one at that.

Rengoku P.O.V:

Who is this person? It's the first time I've ever encountered someone doing such a wonderful dance. It's as though all the flames in the world are surrounding and dancing with him. I can almost feel the heat from him. And what's with this scent that I'm taking in. The feeling of euphoria washed over me as I watched the boy in silence. It felt as though time had stopped itself and it was just me and him. Yeah, just me and him...

Wait!...what am I thinking? That is a young boy we are talking about. And an omega at that!

So what? We can just make him ours. He'll only belong to us....forever and ever.....

Shut the hell up! Stop meddling in my business. Him and I are different people. Besides I don't even know his name!

Oh you will know~ He is, afterall, our mate. Our sweet and adorable omega. My omega!

For the last time, he doesn't belong to us. And stop referring to him as if he is an object to be handled around.

But you admit it, don't you? He is, by far, the most attractive person you've ever laid your eyes on. You even acknowledged his scent, which makes him our mate!

What has gotten into you?!! This is the first time you've ever wanted someone so bad. You weren't like this when we had to chose our bride.

That was then and this is now! I couldn't feel a single thing when those meat suits were all lined up like peasants, but looking at him sparked unknown emotions within me. I feel as though.....

As though I've fallen in love.......

Authors Corner:
Hellooo~ lasylasy11 here! Hehe.....
Sorry for the short update.....
It's been a lot crazier nowadays, I made a friend.......heheheheheheheeheh

Crazy yyo. ....^○^

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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