Chapter One

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The moment I first laid eyes on him; I knew my world had flipped upside down.

-The first week of summer-

I woke up with a groan and stretched my arms out. I reached for my phone to see if Cove has made it into town yet. Cove has been my best friend for almost a decade now ever since him and his father moved across the street from my family. He decided to spend his senior year with his mom so we haven't had the chance to graduate with each other nor see each other since the end of last summer. He was supposed to come back this morning but from the lack of messages from him, I take it that he hasn't returned yet.

With a slight frown, I put down my phone and slipped out of bed. It was looking beautiful out today and Liz and I made plans to do some shopping later on. I make my way to the bathroom and start getting ready. I brushed my teeth, did some skin care and put on some make up. I walked back to my bedroom and put on some high-waisted shorts, a blue tie-dyed crop top and slipped on some sandals. After I brushed my hair, put on some deodorant and my favorite perfume, I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Liz was standing in the kitchen preparing herself a plate of breakfast before taking a seat at the dining room table. With a smile, I greeted her with a good morning and then went to make my own plate of food. Once I put some eggs, bacon and a couple slices of toast on my plate, I make my way to the table and sit across from her. We talked as we ate; I mentioned some after summer plans and the trip I plan on taking towards the end of August; I told her how cool it was that she was becoming an architect; she talked about the guy she was seeing. It was really nice talking to her, especially since growing up we weren't too close.

"Oh, did you hear the news?" Liz sudden asks me.

"Hm? What news?"

"The old couple who rents that condo during the summer isn't staying this year."

My mouth fell open. "Are you serious?"

The old couple would come every summer and would yell at all the kids that walked by. Calling them grumpy is the kindest word to describe them.

Liz grinned at me. "Mmhm. I heard that there's going to be someone new staying there starting tomorrow."

I smiled back and wondered who the new people are that are going to be staying for the summer. I hope it's someone nice and around my age, at least.

After we finished eating, I grab my plate and went to the kitchen to place plate and fork into the dishwasher. I stepped to the living room to grab my purse when my phone begins to ring. Excitedly, I reach to grab it in hopes it was Cove but saw it was Lee. A little disheartened but still happy nonetheless.

"Hey, Lee!" I answered cheerfully.

"Hey girl! I'm here to save you from doing cleaning!" Lee jokes in my ear.

We talked for a few minutes before we said our goodbyes and promises of talking later on to make our hangout plans for the summer. I put my phone in my purse and see that Liz is putting on her hat and has her purse signaling that she was ready to start our trip. She gives me a look and smirks.

"You don't mind if I drive, right?"

I give her a relieved smile and said no. I may have my driver's license but I still avoid driving as much as possible. I guess the anxiety around driving is still very strong for me.

Liz has the keys for our parents' car and we leave the house and get in to car. I put on my favorite radio station and Liz pulls out of the driveway and we make our way to the mall.

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