The Dance

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Ryes pov:

Dear Diary,

Today is the day! I found the perfect dress and unique accessories. All the boys will be so jealous of Xavier when they see me walk in. This will be the best night of my life! I know my high school years just started, but I already feel like I've started my life. Well anyway, I need to hurry up and get ready. This dance awaits!

I am done. The look came together so well. Everyone's gonna be looking. I head downstairs and tell my mom that I'm ready.

 I head downstairs and tell my mom that I'm ready

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This is the look.

We walk out to the car and start driving to the highschool. It is about 10 minutes away. "So how are you and Alexandria doing?" My mom asks. "Good I guess." I respond. "Will she be there?"

"I don't know." I say.

"Oh. Okay then. What about Xavier? Y'all still together?"

"Oh yea. I don't think we'll ever be apart. He is just so amazing and I can trust him. He's always been the best to me." I reply. I blush, not realizing I vented a little. "He's so amazing, I could talk about him for hours." I say with lovey eyes. "Well good thing we're here then. Go have fun honey. I'll pick you up around 10:00 okay?" She says as I step out the car. We're already here? That was quick. "Alright. Thanks mom. See you later!" I give her a peck on the cheek and race to the front doors. I think I see Xavier! I'm so excited!!


As I catch up to Xavier, I give him a kiss. He parts ways with his older sister, who is in the 11th grade. We walk over to the back of the gym, which is where the drinks are located. Now this is a highschool. So one of two things are bound to happen:

Someone either spikes the punch or a random kid brings in illegal beverages. So there's gonna be a ton of drunk teenagers in here.


Xavier walks over to the food area and says hello to his friends. One of them takes out a vape and another has a tiny container of alcohol. He comes back to me, and says he'll be back. As he walks away, I hear his friends comment on my body and how they would 'like to hit.' Not the approach I was going for with the outfit, but it's.... something.

I try to look for my friends, but most of them are partying with their other friends. Whenever I tried to go speak to them, they would say some dry response like "yeah" or "cool" then get completely distracted by something else. Some didn't even notice me.

Shows how much people change when under the influence.

Then I saw a sparkle off the side of my eye. I look to my right, and see Alexandria in the entrance. Everyone stops. Everyone stares. Boys walk up to her for her number, and girls ask to be friends. It's like everyone forgot about everything else and wanted to be with her. It's like she's popular again. I motioned for her to come my way. She sprinted over here. I tried to cover her so people wouldn't follow. But her dress was so sparkly and the lights reflected off of it well. It was a pink frilly dress.

This is Dria's look

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This is Dria's look.

But it was also elegant, and she pulled it off so well. Very. Well. Like wow. I didn't think I'd look at her and feel.. Well I don't know... Butterflies? Fuck I'm trailing off. I snap back into reality, and turn the other way. But then some bitch blows a shit ton of smoke in my face. My vision automatically goes blurry, and I feel my head pulsate. I fall limp. I heard Alexandria call my name before I fell unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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