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I have 9 main rules

1. If you want me to see the comment, tag my main Starlover55_

2. Swearing is allowed, but since most of them are child friendly(not counting your oc, but for mine she swears just a bit) keep it minimal(also bleep/add an accent on it)! NO derogatory words whatsoever! That will result in an automatic block.

3. NO SMUT! I am uncomfortable with it/for the love of God they are YouTubers whose content is mainly for children!!

4. Have fun!

5. Ships,
Okay, so, ships. I'm fine do ocxwhoever, but here are the ones I probably won't do:
Stampy x anyone other than Sqaishey(cause they are married and this is vice versa. If you want to do it BEFORE they date, maybe, but, post-2018 (or 2019, whenever they got married) I won't do.)
Child x Adult is an automatic no.

6. I'll play your crush.

7. You can have more than 1 oc, but, I'm putting a limit on how many ocs you can have. You can have no more than 10 ocs!

8. Keep triggering topics to a minimum!!! 

9. NO Homophobic, rasict, or anything of that sorts allowed. It will result in an automatic block!

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