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i knew it wasn't a good idea but here we are. me and june, sitting on my bed, bare ass naked. she wanted to play truth or dare and it somehow turned into a naked make out session? anyway, here's how that happened.


"hi mila!"
"hey june, i thought you weren't coming until later?" i ask this because i was just upstairs, knuckle deep in my own pussy. until i heard a knock at the door.
"yeah i just figured we could get an earlier start to movie night!" june sounded so excited, i couldn't be mad at her, despite the fact that i still wanted to make someone's fingers inside me.
it didn't help that june came over wearing a crop top, displaying her tits in the most perfect way. she was also wearing shorts that she should probably never have walked out of the house in.
just looking at her was making my pussy throb.

"yes, of course, we do have lots of movies to get through tonight." i wanted to rip open her shirt and fuck her in my entryway.
"i even brought a projector to really set the scene!"
"great, we can watch the movies in the living room, my parents are on vacation, they won't be back until next week sometime."

time skip bc i'm lazy :)

"mila, i'm sorry but i'm kind of getting tired of watching movies."
"no don't be sorry, i feel the same way." truth is, the movie we were watching had a sex scene and it was not helping my current situation.
"so, do you wanna play a game instead?"
"sounds like fun, what game did you have in mind june?"
"i don't know, maybe truth or dare!"

fuck me, i knew this wasn't gonna end well.
two girls. alone. no parents.
(a.n. i love gay people 😈😈😈)

"sure, you ask me first."
"alrighty then, truth or dare?"
"hm how about... truth?"

"loser." she said it with a smile, i knew she didn't mean it. "have you ever had feelings for a girl?"

what. the. fuck. how did she know.

"what kind of question is that june, of course not."
"no need to get defensive mi, it was just a question."
"yeah sorry i guess, but truth or dare?"
"dare i guess."
"i dare you to... show me your my eyes only."

i had never seen her face get so red. i knew i hit the jackpot. truth be told, i was hoping she had some nudes in there, i was extremely horny at the time.

"can't you pick another dare mila?"
"a dare is a dare, i fear. open your snapchat." i said this with a devilish yet joking grin.

she was moving so slow i thought time was going backwards.
she typed in her password and i leaned over her shoulder to get a good look.

tits, pussy, and ass galore.
i swear i could practically feel myself getting wetter by the second.

i look over to see her face but she was turned the other way. i took two fingers, put them under her chin, and turned her face to look at me.

"are you upset, june?"
"no. i just.. i don't know. i took these not thinking that anyone would ever see them."
"well let me tell you june." then i got right in her ear and whispered. "you look fucking amazing."

her face was so red i thought her cheeks might actually burn off.

"do you know what would be even better?" i asked her in a low voice.
she shook her head.
"seeing it in person." i don't know what came over me, i honestly think it was my hormones.

june looked over at me, never breaking eye contact, and lifted her shirt over her head.
she wasn't wearing a bra, i wanted to go face first into her tits.

"do you like what you see, mila?" she asked so seductively i thought my nipples were going to become rocks.

i reached forward, taking one of her nipples in my fingers, rolling it and pinching it.
i got close and told her, "i love it."

she let out a moan so quiet, i barely even heard it.

"you know mi, i don't think it's fair that i'm the only one without a shirt on."
she took no time reaching over and pulling my shirt right off of me.
i was also not wearing a bra so my tits and my hard nipples were on full display.

june stood up, stepped out of her pants, then came over and pulled mine off of me too.
i swear, she could probably see my wetness reflecting off my pussy from the tv light.

"look how wet you are for me, darling." she took a finger and swiped my juices off of my slit.
i whined, wanting more.

"awe, does the slut want me to touch her more?" she then got down, level with my pussy, and blew on it.
the cold air made me shiver with anticipation.
i squeezed my legs shut, trying to get any relief that i could.

"are you trying to get off on yourself, honey? you look so pretty trying." june took my legs and spread them apart, getting back level with my cunt.

she never broke eye contact but got closer to my pussy until she licked a stripe.
she wasted no time diving right in.

june started gently sucking on my clit, every once and a while giving it a bite.

i was already a moaning mess.

she got up and kissed me.
"are you needy for me baby? do you want me to fuck you so hard you can't walk?"
"yes, please, please fuck me. i'll be a good slut for you. i'll do anything you want."

"well shit mila, i never took you as such a submissive. but hell, i'll take you up on that offer. before i give you any more, i want to sit on your face and you have to make me cum."

i was practically drooling. that's like my fucking dream, a pretty girl sitting on my face. i can die happy.

"yes please. i'll please you so well."
i laid down on the couch and june straddled my face.
just the sight of her glistening pussy could have made me cum.
she slowly lowered herself, but i was getting impatient so i pulled her down onto my mouth.
i don't think she was expecting it, based on the gasp she let out.

i got right to work, sucking on her wet pussy. i wrapped my arms around her legs, pulling her even closer to me.
i started fucking her cunt with my tongue.
after that, she started riding my face, grinding on my tongue.
i started moaning into her, making her even more needy.

i reached around her leg to use my thumb to rub her clit.
i guess that pushed her over the edge, she came right in my tongue.

"damn mila, i didn't know you had that in you." she said smirking as she got off of my face, admiring her work on me.

"now will you please fuck me?" i was so horny at this point.
"yes baby, i will fuck you, let me get something out of my bag really quick." she got off the couch to go get something from her bag.
she turned around holding a strap on.

fuck. me.

"is this what you wanted darling?"
"yes, yes, please. i need you in me now."

she pulled the strap on over her ass, it was the underwear kind.
i was still laying down at this point.
she walked over, got on her knees, and starting using the strap to tease my opening.

i whimpered at this slight contact.
she slowly slid in and gently starting thrusting.
she held my hips so she had a good grip on me.
i used my hands to play with my boobs.

"does this feel good? huh?"
"yes it feels so good. thank you."

she took ahold of my hips again and started fucking me harder and faster.
she took one hand off my hip and used it to play with my clit.
that pushed me over the edge.

"can i cum? please?"
"yes go ahead."

i released all over her hand and dick.

"wanna go for another round?" she said smirking.


so what did you guys think?
this is the first smut i've ever written!!!
feel free to pm and leave polite criticism.

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