They Walk In On You Changing

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He was coming in to borrow some materials for a potion when he instead found you changing and stood in the doorway smirking and snickering which caught your attention. You immediately threw your pillow at him and yelled for him to get out which he complied with but not before saying you look good and that he hopes to catch you like that more often.


He walked in on you changing but you did not shoo him out due to him being blind and allowed him to get what he came for which was to ask you to accompany him to Hogsmeade. He did ask what you were putting on and when you told him he said it sounded lovely but you're always lovely to him.


She walked in one morning on you changing and when she found you struggling to zip up your dress for your outting together for the day she offered to help as you both find no reason to be embarrassed given you're both girls but she did comment that you are as beautiful as the morning sunrise back in her home country.


He walked in on you in a huff from annoyance at some of the kids who were bullying him over their loss in Cross Wands and accidentally found you changing. You shrieked and he immediately covered his eyes blushing madly while apologizing profusely until you covered yourself by going into the closet to change while leaving the door barely open to hear him and talk while he rants. He did make the comment that seeing you in that light did get his mind off things and it was a pleasant surprise though you were less amused and just asked him to knock from now on but didn't thank him for the compliment.


He came in wanting to tell you about his new brew idea and accidentally walked in on you changing your shirt which caused him to have a nosebleed and apologize profusely before leaving after saying you look hot.

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