001- Bad Luck On A Bad Day

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Whatever my brother was into, I knew it was bad business. It looked shady like that.

I had one job.

"You had one job", my brother's gruff voice pierced through my thoughts. I didn't know what was scarier, the fact he could tell exactly what I was thinking, enough to be able to accurately voice it out, or the fact that he was so surprisingly calm, because in my entire eighteen years of existence, there was one thing I knew very well.

Dan was NEVER calm.

I had only seen him sober up once, and that was when he had been shot, straight in the thigh some years ago, when soldiers had raided the area in search of a notorious bunch of hooligans. I knew he was a part of that gang.

Some of them had been shot in the process of fleeing from arrest, and he'd probably been a part of the rest - who'd seen their lives flash before their very own eyes. That was when I realized that at least he still that human instinct. That fear of death was there. Small, but it was still there.

I was still standing  behind the half rotten wood, an excuse for a door, watching him trap me at my spot with furious eyes. That was the longest distance I could get myself away from him in our room, and it was just a few steps, because it was a small space.

He was high.

He was angry.

I was dying to get out, the smell of weed had me almost choking, but I dared not open that door and get out. I knew what Dan could do to me, and I wasn't willing to risk it. Not today. I had fucked up, and I just had to apologize. Try to, at least. Calm him down, and I was good to go for a while.

"One freaking job, bro", he placed the rolled up substance to his lips and dragged deeply, eyes closed, with smoke coming out in a slow, long trail from his nose. His mouth had formed a little "o" shape, with extra smoke like little angel auras coming out. But that wasn't supposed to be the issue now.

I had been inhaling that thing for years, I could survive a few more.

Fact was I had a chance, and I blew it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slack", my voice came out hoarse, and I had to quickly clear my throat. God help me.

God help me.

"You didn't mean to slack? Mm?"

I nodded in the affirmative.

"And you didn't mean to a coward. You didn't mean to be incompetent. You didn't mean to be stupid, you didn't mean to -"

"I'm not stupid, big bro", I cut him off before I could stop myself. I was getting quite irritated myself. Dan had always been verbally abusive since I could remember. He called me names. All the time, and honestly I was beginning to get fed up of it.

"You make me loose a lot of money, make me look stupid in front of my friends, dare to interrupt me when I'm speaking to you and you think you're not stupid, Black?"

I swallowed, painfully.

"Guy you only had to be on the guard for a few minutes. Alert me whenever you saw the goddamned jeep and leave. That was it. That was all I asked you to do. That was why I gave you my freaking phone when you asked how you'd be able to reach me. See something, call me. That was all your stupid ass had to do! "

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