002- Angry Men Are War

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Hell had a mark on my skin, but I didn't give a single damn about it. I was out to get what I wanted, and I was going to get it flat.

The idiot ran off to God knows where after I'd mistakenly fired my gun at him in a furious, kind of useless attempt to stop him from trying to escape, in my opinion.

I had chased after him immediately he got out, noticing a short trail of droplets of blood in the way, just before the rain began to pour heavily and I had lost him in the third turn. Black was a pathetic softie, but he sure did know his way around the ghetto. That was one thing about him. He could crawl in and out like a spirit whenever he wanted to, and he was fairly fast with his long legs.

I lost money. I lost my phone. There was nothing on me.

Ma had forced herself to sit up when I got back into the room in a bid to ransack my belongings to see if I could get some money, any at all, and the first question she had to ask was where her favorite son was. There was one hell of a shit storm going on outside and I wasn't ready to get myself soaked through and through to look for someone who ran out of his home like a scared little puppy.

It wasn't that I couldn't step out to look for him, but I wasn't going to, mainly because I sure as hell didn't feel like it and also, he was the reason why I was frustrated at the moment. If spending the night in that weather was another punishment he had to receive for always ruining things for me then I was welcome to it. It wasn't like our abode was any better, but at least it was a shield from ongoing chaos outside.

Ma was coughing, shivering, and I went to put her covering cloth on her proper, ignoring her incessant demands for the whereabouts of Black, while trying to calm myself down so I wouldn't snap at a weak, sick woman.

"Where is your brother?", she inquired again for the umpteenth time, in between hot, heavy coughs that seemed to rock her body along with them. I dragged the remaining bits of the fabric over her chest, putting her arms underneath, securing them in place.

" Not here to take care of you, obviously", I answered, searching for a container I could use to get some hot water from Biliki's mother, our neighbor.

Ma was burning up. And she was burning up bad.

"What happened? I heard a loud-"

"Don't sweat it. I didn't kill your son even if I wanted to. Lay back down. I'll go get some hot water and come back."

I inhaled, shook the irritation off and lay her back down, grabbed a container and dashed out into the rain which seemed like it wasn't stopping in its intensity anytime soon, heading straight for Ma Biliki's porch. Black was always the one doing this as long as I could remember, he was always the one running around for her because he had enough time to do that, and now I had to take over his job because he was somewhere out there.

I knocked hastily. Once. Twice.

In a matter of seconds I was staring at a sleepy-eyed woman, and the irritated look on her face said it all. I had woken up a person who, unsurprisingly was able to sleep through this hell of a storm but then again I was a very very light sleeper, and everyone wasn't me.

"Ma Biliki, I need some hot water.", I stated the purpose of my mission in one short sentence before she could slam her door back in my face. She rolled her eyes at me and pulled me inside by my collar, wrapping her arms around my neck immediately.

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