Hell of a ride.

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"Val, Val, Val!" The crowd erupted into cheers as I pinned Asuka for the win. The Raw Women's Championship was on the line and I was not loosing. "1! 2! 3!" I got off of Asuka and screamed hyping up the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen your new Raw Women's Champion Valentina Mysterio!" I jumped down the ring and ran into the arms of my father, the very well known Rey Mysterio. He hugged me and congratulated me on my win. We walked down the ramp and into the gorilla as a unbeatable duo. "Congratulations sis." Dominik greeted me and hugged me tightly. Even after he turned heel our connection stayed strong. He didn't talk to dad as much as he used to, but I guess that was because of his character. "Valentina, may I have a word with you?" Stephanie turned the corner. "Yes, of course." She started walking towards her office and i followed close behind. I was still shaken from my fight with Asuka, after all she is a great at what she does, but i'm better. Stephanie opened her door and walked in sitting in her chair. I waked in and closed the door, sitting opposite her. "So, what I wanted to talk to you about is that we are going to change up your storyline a bit. As you know you were supposted to continue fighting with your dad by your side, eventually teaming up with Zelina Vega for a tag team. But this is not going to happen. You are going to turn heel. Dominik will interrupt your match with Nikki A.S.H next Monday and convience you to betray your dad and team up with The Judgement Day." I thought about it. It didn't sound bad and I could definetly put up a good show. But there was one problem. She was also a member of The Judgement Day. If you are wondering who i'm talking about, even though I think everyone knows who she is, i'm talking about Rhea Ripley. Ever since we first met back in 2019 we hated each other. In the 2019 Royal Rumble, when we first met, I eliminated her and she has been holding a grundge ever since. We've done each other dirty over the years thousands of times. "Okay, I accept." Stephanie smiled and claped with her hands. "Perfect. Also one more thing I know you won't be a very big fan of. You and Rhea are going to be the new tag team partners." Shit. Well, I don't have much of a choice, do I? "Okay." I answered with a sigh.

"So, how do you feel about being our newest member?" Damien asked me. "Good, honestly. I feel like it will open a lot of new oppurtunities and all of you are great wrestlers. The only thing i'm worried about is Rhea." We were at my house with Dominik, Damien and Finn, about to head to the fitness, where Rhea should meet us, which I wasn't so excited about. Dominik gave me a side hug and looked at me. "She'll come around once she sees how cool of a sister I have." Damien nodded his head and spoke. "And you're also really hot." He shrugged innocently. "Not gonna happen." Dominik put a arm around me and led me towards the car, while we all laughed.

On the ride, we were taking my car and I have a very important rule 'My car, my music' so I connected my phone and shuffled my playlist. It was mostly rock and metal and the others didn't seem to mind. We arrived and I parked close to the entrance and we hopped off. We walked in to see a almost empty fitness besides from two or three people and Rhea. She was sitting on a bench scrolling on her phone. She didn't have any make-up on and her hair looked natural. I don't think I have seen her without the make-up before, since we haven't seen each other outside the arena. Which means she is about to see me without make-up for the first time too. "Hey, Rhea!" Damien waved at her cheerfully and she smiled and waved back. Then her eyes fell on me. The others told her I was coming, but there was still tension of course. "Hi." I spoke first. "Hey." She looked at me kind of coldly. Not how she looked at the others just seconds ago. Everyone said that once you talk to her, she is actually really sweet and all of that, but even when i tried to talk to her, she ignored me or answered me in one word sentences. "Let's get to work!" Finn claped his hands toghether and we all went to diffrent machines.

"Hey, Damien can you come spot me? I'm doing 10 pounds more then I usually do." I smilled at him. "I'm sorry Val, I'm kind of busy." He looked at me with a little sadness in his eyes. "It's okay. I'll wait for you." "No need. I'll spot you." Fuck me. I turned around and saw Rhea. "Okay." I guess. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Squats." I swalloed. "With how much?" "185 pounds." I led her to the machine and she stood behind me. I started squating feeling her presence behind me, squating with me. The first five squats were okay, but then at seven I couldn't anymore. I did one more with shaking legs and spoke quietly. "I can't." Rhea leaned close to me and whispered. "Yes, you can, come on." I did one more. "Give me just one, last one." Her whisper send shivers down my spine and I squated down. "Come on, get up." "I can't Rhea, please." "I know you can, I believe in you." Hearing her words made me feel like i can do anything in the world, so I started slowly getting up. Then I felt her hands on my hips, very lightly and I instantly knew she was doing it, so I know she is right there. I got up and her hands left my hips and she helped me put the bar back on the rack. "Thank you." She nodded at me and continued with her routine. I was in for a hell of a ride.


word count- 1045

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