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The next three days were hard. I didn't see or hear anything from Demi. The apartment felt so empty. Damian, Finn and Dominik came to visit as much as they could and Damian always reassured me that Demi was okay. Today we were flying to Dallas for two house shows and Raw. Damian paid extra so he can sit next to me. I was forever grateful for him.

We were at the airport waiting to board the plane. Damian picked me up and drove us to the airport. As we were waiting for a second I thought I saw Demi. But it wasn't her. At this point my brain was comparing everyone to her.

We boarded the plane and Damian let me have the window seat. I always had the worst migraines when flying. I took my pills to prevent them. "What's that for?" Damian asked, looking concerned. "I have really bad migraines when flying. The pills don't help that much but they still ease the pain a little." I explained to him. He nodded and I placed my headphones on. 3 hours of pain. Great.

We finally landed and I was still feeling a little lightheaded from the migraines. The fact that I was jet lagged didn't help. I drank as much water as possible and Damian chased me with a chocolate croissant. He basically made me eat it. I haven't properly ate since Demi left. I felt like I was about to throw up.

We got to the hotel and I was sharing a room with Liv. The chick is hilarious but I don't know if i'm in the mood for her positivity.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked me once we were in the room. I was tired of saying that I'm fine and Liv was a good friend of mine so I decided to tell her the truth. "No, not really." I sat on the couch. "Oh, babe. What's up?" She sat down next to me. "Demi. She just left." I explained to her and she looked at me with wide eyes. "She left? What do you mean by that?" I sighed. "Toni Storm was asking Damian about our relationship. Damian told her nothing of course but when Demi find out that Toni was asking she just packed her things, left my apartment and I haven't heard from her." Liv looked concerned. "Toni Storm? Why would she ask about your relationship?" I was asking myself the same thing.

Me and Liv chatted for a while and she supported me the best she could. She is really a great friend. We decided to have dinner in the restaurant of the hotel. We made our way down and sat on a table for two. We ordered and Liv was talking to me about something when I noticed Toni Storm. My head was spinning. I thought about going and asking her what the fuck is her problem. But then Liv grabbed my hand. "Don't. I know what you're thinking but I think that you shouldn't get involved." I nodded. She was right. I don't have to get involved especially when I don't know what's happening.

After a few death glares between me and Toni, me and Liv went back to our room. We decided on watching a horror movie. Tomorrow I was doing an interview with Damian. And then I had a match with Natalya. We watched the movie and quickly fell asleep after.

The next morning I woke up by my alarm while Liv was still sleeping on her bed. I got up and showered, got dressed, did my makeup and straightened my hair. I haven't done my makeup or hair since Demi left. It felt weird but nice. I grabbed my phone, wallet and key card and I went to meet Damian in the lobby. He was waiting for me. "Hey. Good morning." I did my best to stay cheerful. "Hey chica. You look nice. Shall we?" He smiled at me and I nodded.

The interview we were doing was "Who is most likely to" from The Judgement Day. We sat down, the interview introduced us and she started asking the questions. "Who is most likely to be late because they stopped to pet a dog?" The interviewer asked and I answered immediately. "Hands down Rhea." Damian agreed with me and the interviewer looked shocked. "Who is most likely to clap when their plane lands?" She asked. "Finn. He is like a 40 year old white woman." Damian joked and I agreed. "Who is most likely to laugh in a serious situation?" She smiled at us. "Probably Dom. He is quite unserious." I answered and Damian agreed. "Okay, we are about to spice things up a little. Are you guys still in?" The interviewer gave us a challenging look. "I'm in." Damian said. "Me too." I replied and the woman nodded, getting ready to ask the next question. "Who is most likely to go to the strip club on their birthday?" I giggled and Damian pointed at me. "Hey!" He bursted out laughing. "Who is most likely to own the most sex toys?" The interviewer looked at us with raised eyebrows. "Rhea." I said it a little too fast and Damian choked on the water he was drinking. "You're fine." I patted his back. "Do I want to know about that answer?" The interviewer laughed. "I don't think you do." We all chuckled. "Who is most likely to save you from a bad first date?" I pointed at Damian. "My best man right here." He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Who is most likely to get drunk first on a night out?" Damian immediately looked at me. "Val, you wanna tell the people what happens every time we go out?" I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay. Me." The interviewer looked a little shocked. "What's your drink of choice then?" She straightened a little. "I'm a Mexican. Come on. I have Tequila in my blood." I joked. "Who is most likely to drive?" "I always drive." Damian complained. "Don't complain about it. We have a system. Damian drives, Finn sits shotgun and navigates, I'm in charge of the music, Rhea picks the gyms and restaurants and Dom just kinda hangs." I quickly explained.

The interview was soon over and I was glad because I was tired of saying Rhea's name. Even if I called her Demi. I was ready for my match and this time it wasn't scheduled. It was a street fight and I was so excited.

When I stepped into the ring with Natalya I released all of my anger. I beat her in one minute and thirty-four seconds. I was currently laying on my bed, Liv sleeping on the other one. I stared at the ceiling as I thought about everything basically.

word count: 1140
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