Character:mitsuka kamanori Title:dance hashiras/member of the demon slayer orginaization Breathing style: dance breathing Gender: woman/female Wears:
a grey ish black uniform with a skirt white shirt inside grey ish pink haori utiliti belt wears a mask white socks to her ankle Sword/weapon: her katana is whip like mitsuri extra weapon knife
Personality:kind,calm and friendly she usally wears a mask so she doesnt show her emotions
Orgin:her parent got eaten by a demon by the age of 14 Now shes 15
Breathing forms:
Form 1: dance of the wind this allow ther to immitate the move of the wind and defeting her enemie with the gust of wind
Form 2: butterfly dance Allows her of immitte the action of a butterfly killing her enemies with raging butterfly
Form 3:nature dance Allows her to to control or follow the moves of nature while killing her enemies with natures dance
Form 4: dance of raging fire Allows her to immitatte fire and kill the enemies with firery death
Form 5 :wave of the waters She immittes the water and kill the enemies with water(you know)
I deciede to do 5 bc i have no idea ill update the forms later ok
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