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A/n: y'all's, I got another week off school 😋,

And uhh, 10k reads 😨
Soooo, this can be a long chapter for you guys, cause I wanna do all of your guys ideas for Kurona and Isagi 😭.

Basically Isagi and Kurona be going on a date.



"Kurona, you hungry at all?" Isagi asked as they were currently walking down the streets passing by shops.

"Oh, um..yeah a little bit." Kurona nodded.

"Let's go grab something to eat." Isagi said and smiled at Kurona.

"Oh..sure." Kurona nodded, feeling his face heat up again, he quickly avoided eye contact with Isagi.

Isagi nodded, not really paying attention to Kuronas actions. They walked in comfortable silence to the nearest cafe and entered. Both Isagi and Kurona grabbed a paper to look at the menu, before walking over to a 2 seated table.

"You know, now that I think about it.." Kurona mumbled as he started off his sentence.

"Hm?" Isagi responded and looked up from the menu.

"Are you single?" Kurona asked, rather blunt about it.

Isagi was a tiny bit startled by this but nevertheless answered.

"I'm single, I've actually never been in a relationship neither." Isagi explained with a small chuckle at the end.

Kurona nodded his head slightly.

"Same." Kurona responded.

The waitress came up to them to ask what they wanted to order, and after doing so, the waitress left and told them their order won't be too long, but the place was a packed with people, so they expected it to be a long wait.

"Is uh, Itoshi Rin interested in you or something?" Kurona asked as he rested his head in the palm of his hand.

"Huh? What makes you say that?" Isagi asked tilting his head.

"He's always staring at you, have you never noticed?" Kurona asked.

"I haven't actually, Hyo has spotted him staring a few times though.." Isagi explained with a shrug.

"We had a bit of a rough middle school together, which made us hate each other, so uh, yeah I wasn't really expecting him at the school." Isagi added to sentence before.

"Okay.." Kurona nodded intrigued somehow.

They talked together for around 15 minutes before their food finally arrived, they both ordered completely different things and Kurona was curious about how Isagis tasted.

"Would you like to try?" Isagi asked with a small chuckle.

Kurona nodded eagerly, Isagi nodded and used his fork to cut off a bit off of his food and held the fork up for Kurona. Kurona without hesitation, ate the food and nodded liking the flavour and the texture of it.

"Would you like some of mine?" Kurona asked.

"Sure." Isagi nodded with a smile.

Kurona nodded and scooped up some of his food and held it out for Isagi to taste. Isagi ate it, he liked the flavour but wasn't a big fan of what the texture was like. They both wouldn't be surprised if everyone else who noticed that in the cafe would assume they were a couple.

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