Chapter 6

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Y/n pov
Koneko akeno and xenovia are sill in my bed and I'm still being smothered by their bare breasts as I try my best to wiggle out I realize I can't move not even an inch as I am struggling desperately to get my small body out of the 3 much larger girls embrace I finally manage to get out but not without waking them up

Koneko: good morning y/n

Akeno: fufufu looks like our little y/n ~escaped this time

Xenovia: good morning y/n how did you ~sleep?

Y/n: f-f-fine I said as I turn red

As I made my way over to my closet I get m/n axe and d/n colt pythons and tantos. and my short sword as i put them in my bag just incase anything bad happens as I do that I get dressed strap my cable glove rocket boots and unplugged my shock glove and put it on my hand as I got dressed in my kuoh academy uniform with a spare change of cloths in my survival pack I take to school as I leave the closet I notice everyone is already dressed I t heir school uniforms ready to go

you guys leave the house and start walking to school

Koneko: you still wear your gear even to school y/n? she asked curiously

Y/n: yea you never know what could happen I might need it you stated

Akeno: nothing should happen on campus as to where you could need your gear like that

Y/n: I mean I got attacked yesterday by 3 people and one with a knife so I dont know about that one akeno

Akeno and Xenovia: WHAT?!?!

Y/n: yea I won the fight without them even getting a hit on my but I shocked the shit our of the one with the knife you said activating your shock glove letting sparks dance in your hand

Akeno: well its good you weren't hurt then she said with her voice laced with a little worry

Koneko: yea I was their to vouch for y/n when the student council showed up we got off without any trouble

Xenovia: well im glad you were able to defend yourself y/n she said happily with a slight blush

you enter the school grounds but make a quick stop at the orc room setting m/n axe and d/n colt pythons and your short sword down their so you wont get caught with weapons at school

Y/n makes his way to class as everything seems normal

Mirai: ~ooooohhhhhhhh y/nnnnnnn

Y/n: your blood runs cold hearing that voice as you turn around you see mirai

mirai: why didn't answer any of my texts or ~calls y/n

Y/n: you remembered that you put your phone on silent for the whole day yesterday looked down and saw 52 text messages and 105 missed calls from mirai

Y/n: runs away to class with mirai chasing him as the bell rings signaling everyone to go to class as students flood the halls you lose mirai in the swarm of students in the halls

Y/n: "thoughts" "saved by the bell hehe"

you walk into class and take your usual seat next to koneko as the lesson starts and a test is passed out you fly through the test then fall asleep only to be awoken by koneko shaking you to get up

Koneko: get up y/n its lunch she says as you stir awake and look at her with a sleepy face and a bit of drool on your lip

koneko pov

looks at your sleepy face and blushed dark red before wiping the drool off your mouth with her hanker chief promising herself that she will never wash it again before sticking the hanker chief back in her pocket.

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