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 "Is port mafia running low on human resources?THIS IS MY 5TH consecutive MISSION for this damn week..FUCK THIS,OH GOD,GIMME A BREAK DAMMIT.."

Grunting and muttering swears, the executive walked infront of the low life thugs who are stupid enough to stand there when a literal 'vessel of destruction' was in a BAD MOOD..In a span of seconds they are lying dead and chuuya just, "SIGHS"


"Mission's complete boss"..chuuya said without a spec of energy left..and mori replies with a awful proud smile..'Well done chuuya kun,quick and clean as usual..now for your next- 


-oh you seem really tired"

"i have been completing missions like eating peanuts for months what do you think i will seem like - fkin beaming or something"...oops sorry boss, i s-should..w-whats the next mission-

Mori interrupts

"no you WILL have this day off,u should really have some rest"

chuuya blinks

Really!thanks boss..

Mori waved him off and turned to play with elise

"i really care about my employees, don't i elise chan?"

"AS IF"chuuya mutters under his breath as he walks away

he left the port mafia building and literally crawls to his penthouse (he was really tired,ok?)


HE drags himself to his bedroom and plopped himself to the soft cushions..this is what he THOUGHT, but when he entered his room..

SOMEONE wrapped around HIS blankets like a cocoon on HIS bed..

his body glowing red bcoz he activated his ability.. standing ready for a fight

and then,

he hears the sweetest voice he ever heard


The most adorable little eyes twinkled beneath the sheets

his jaw dropped to the floor.."WTF"

and chuuya faints..

note * 

hope u guys like this chapter,pls leave comments for me "plss i wuv u"

sorry for any mistakes..if any, pls enlighten me..drink lots of water sweetie,and i will see u in the next chap..byee

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