The Executive has no weakness..excep-

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Chuuya wakes up..

checks the second time on the bed-no sign of KIDS

"to be hallucinating kids,i must have been lost it completely, ugh.." he shrugs


tiny hands wraps around chuuya tightly

"the enemy is here..i need to prepare,wait -h-how did she find my d-dont's a kid..chuuya, calm down..


Huh?? wtf is she talking about?

He turns around to see big blue eyes starting to tear up..with the saddest expression.."you lebt mwi" she started to cry now..chuuya felt something growing in his chest and without thinking he wrapped her up and whispered.

"hush, little one.. I am here now, don't cry it doesn't suit you" 

chuuya blinks..huh?! what did he just say? he didn't have the time to process that when-

the baby immediately brightened up..she pulled chuuya impossible close and hugged him with all her might..''i was nyot cwaying"she said with a big smile on her face and she started giving him kisses again and again on his cheeks while saying " i missd you"

Now, chuuya has another hard thing to process..his chest feels so light now..he hasn't felt like this, never in his life.what did she do to him..he cant think now..

Something telling him he will do anything to protect this kid..don't ask him why-

maybe this is what "feeling loved" see a smile on others face one will do anything....He is smiling like an idiot just like the brunette..when has he ever smiled like that,he doesn't know.

he is holding a kid..he don't know if he ever had held one many things are happening right now, he lost track of it.. his tiredness had left his body now replaced with something w-warm. yes, something warm and healthy..he looked at his cute baby-

Yes,she is mine will take her away from me ,no one will even dare to touch her..

wait-what if she has parents-ohh yes, i am nakahara chuuya after all,just an experiment,a vessel..i can't possibly be a human,right? how can i have a kid as my own? how can i have anyone who loves me..stop it chuuya,you can never have anything for your own, all you can do is be loyal to people until they get tired of using you and just leave..that's it..leave the kid alone..she probably have a a nice home where her parents will be there for her..not you



He is snapped out of his thoughts by  a tiny hand  squishing his cheeks

 "You bill neba leeb me gain,i bill gill you,i-i will hatchu"

"I will never,i swear,but how did you find me? "Chuuya has certainly lost it by now he can't win against this much cuteness

"I smelld u"..she giggled.."so donleebme i will see u"

Chuuya could just kill himself now,he hasn't seen a baby this cute.

Chuuya's mind has been cleared by now, he is looking at the girl

She has bright blue eyes, the same like one will even suspect her to be not his daughter but, it's too good to be true, right?

 chuuya rewinds his whole! he hasn't touched a single guy/ hell! he haven't had his first kiss.. her cute little nose also resembled him..but no she couldn't be his..but he can cherish these moments right..?

but now chuuya felt a nerve popping in his head,

the girl has short wavy brown hair framing her face,fluffy and soft just like someone's who chuuya absolutely loaths..wait? why  did i think about that traitor anyway,he's just a fish,he can go & die..but she can't be that shitty dazai's daughter right? he can'! she is just too adorable to be a daughter of that ugly ass

why is papa dinking? r u leebin be again !! i bont letchu she whined dramatically 

well she got some of dazai's traits..wait no?? she c-can't be!! okay!! she is my daughter!

chuuya is hugging her tightly.

Yes you are mine..No one will take you away from me not even the GODS.     

As like reading his mind, the brunette smiled brightly and chuuya can say that that smile can cure anything



So u know i made this au where u know, guys and guys can make children..super weird but look it's for the plot..this au's gonna be super fluff and i want chuuya to be happy

Chuuya deserves love, change my mind!

Hope u lub the chap! Lub u too !!leave comments pls

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