Chapter 9- Did he just say...

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Day 32 at my new school... Time does fly doesn't it? Yet I continue to keep track of the days. However, Life is busy.
Winston's been gone almost every night at a practice or exhibition game.
I've been loaded with homework,  drama, and I've been busy hanging with the three goofballs I call my friends.
I hop out of bed and decide to straighten my hair for the day. It was a little on the warmer side today. Knowing the temperature will just drop again sometime soon, I decided to wear a light brown knitted cardigan, a plain white tank top, and jean shorts. Choosing to do my makeup simply today, headed off to school with Win. The first half of the day went by fast and it was already lunch. I was walking to the caf trying to push through a crowded hall, when all of a sudden a hand grabbed me pulling me into a classroom. They locked the door and before I could scream The person covered my mouth. They quickly showed me their face and my eyes grew when I noticed it was Beau. Crap. All my hard work of avoiding him and my determination of pushing through a dumb crowded hallway distracted me.
Beau's POV
"Please Embry, sorry I scared you but please don't scream and just listen." I was speaking at a fast pace and I knew she was struggling to keep up with all of my words. "I've been an idiot and it's taken me forever to realize and I'm sorry, okay?" Embry didn't say anything she just nodded for me to continue, after seeing her nod I slowly pulled my hand away from her lips. Immediately she took in a huge breath. "You barley suffocated me."
"Sorry." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "The past couple weeks I've been going insane, I haven't been able to focus and that's cause of you. Last night Chris and I had a huge fight, non like it ever before. I'm just assuming you know he's my cousin, so I'll just continue...
last night Chris came over to my place to hang. He has always been good at reading me and he quickly noticed I wasn't focusing on the conversation we were having, so he asked why I kept zoning out." I took a breath to collect all my thoughts. "And...I- I just lost it, I yelled at him, I was jealous and confused. I'd never done anything like that before to him. I yelled at him for hugging you for godness sake! I obviously misread the situation, because I found Chris yelling at me back"
***flash back to the night before***

"I can't take it anymore!" I screamed at Chris "woah dude calm down what's wrong" he answered trying to calm me down. "What's wrong is that you know I've been having troubles concentrating because of Embry. Only recently did I find out you guys are really close friends, and apparently I had to learn the hard way that you are much closer than I thought! So what's going on with you?" I yelled at him.
He looked at me with a face of anger and confusion, "Are you kidding me? You've known me your whole life and you think that I would just go and backstab you? I was talking to her about you! I told her to give it some time and maybe over time you'd get it through your thick skull that you were wrong and that you need to talk to her!" He was beat red and spitting out words, like I had never seen before. I didn't know what to say....

I didn't know what came over me, so I just sat there in silence as he continued. "You know what? You don't even deserve her! Embry is one of the sweetest, most gentle, and beautiful girls I have ever met. The fact that you think you can avoid confessing your feelings, while keeping your distance from her, then go around threatening and accusing others of hitting on her is just wrong! All you're doing is keeping her around in your fantasies while you sit back and continually hurt her?" He paused to take a deep breath before continuing with a calm but disappointed tone. "That's just wrong man. You need to understand you can't change what you refuse to confront. If you really want to do something, you'll find a way and make time for her. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. So don't you dare say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to all the great scientists and athletes." With that he grabbed his stuff and left.
Chris is wise for just a young guy.  Mentally slapping myself for being such an idiot, I swore I'd do something about it the first chance I got.
******* Back to the present*****
"Because of Chris, I finally realize how stupid I was. I can't let a treasure like you just walk out of my life." Embry didn't look at my the whole time I spoke. But she looked up when I finished. I only saw hurt.
"Why... Why have you put me through such hell. Every time you spoke to me, all you did was hurt me, and most of those times it was intentional too. And after all of that you want to tell me you were jealous of your fricking cousin!?"

"I was jealous because I was scared of losing you, I know I didn't have you, but I knew I wanted you. I was an idiot for not realizing it before. I thought I was protecting you from when I said we couldn't be together. I never intended to hurt you, I tried to avoid it. But in doing so, that's all I did."

I looked into her eyes. "Embry I lied to you. I do remember what happened at the party, I thought by saying I didn't remember it would save you from tears. Living such a chaotic life like I do, isn't something I thought would be good for you. My life is never private, always busy, and it can be hard cause I travel so much. I- I didn't want you to live a life like that, you deserve more, better. But if you're willing, I just want to love and protect you. I'm sorry"
She looked away, she make herself look at me, so I used my hand to lift her face to mine. "I really like you Embry."

"I-I don't know what to think." She took a deep breath, then did a sad laugh. "It's funny. From the beginning of your NHL career, I did the celebrity crush thing. I had a fan girl crush on you. I would fantasize about the day I would get to meet you. But in your subconscious you think it'll never really happen. But here I am in the same room as you." She looked into my eyes "you didn't even know I existed, until about 2 months ago and when we kissed I didn't want it to end.
Afterwards, all I wanted to do was to talk to you about it and you shot me down. I was devastated. I literally cried myself to sleep over you. And now you're confessing you liked me all along? I don't know what to think" she finally let one tear slide down her cheek she she hugged her body tight. "You really hurt me."
I saw sadness in his eyes and I felt determined, I couldn't let her hurt. Not after all this. Next think I knew i pulled her to me and our lips smashed together, at first she was resistant and shocked, but I quickly forgot all the emotions we were feeling. All I felt now was passion.

~~~Embry's POV~~~
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up so my legs were around his waist, he pinned me against the wall as we deepened our kiss even more. We broke a part to catch our breath.
"Embry, I don't want to see you with anyone else, please be mine, be my girlfriend." I smiled threw my watering eyes, Chris was right giving it time was the right thing to do. "Beau Bennett, I will be your girlfriend."
He placed me on the ground and I went on my tippy-toes to kiss him one last time before taking his hand.
"D-do you want to join Ashley, Claire, Chris and I for lunch? They're probably wondering where I am..." I staggered off, still overwhelmed with everything that had just happened.
"Embry, I would love to." He smiled.

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