3 : Happy Birthday.

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Y/n's Pov
January 9th
Y/n's Birthday

"Awh mann, it's my birthday"

I was on call with Jay, my Brother in law. He said that he's going to send me whiskeys and those ace champagnes.

I don't wanna remember my birthday but, when i stepped in my cabin home.. there's a lot of flowers inside.

"wha- what? who died?" I asked my little sister, Solange.

Solange and my Nephew stays here, since Christmas. They live in London. They're just here for a little vacation.

Carnation, Roses, Tulips... every flowers.

"These are from Bey and I's fans and those are from your wife's fans, they know you Y/n"

"The chocolates are for you and Miggy, happy birthday Dr. Knowles!" I read the note.

"Dispose these please, it hurt my nose"

"Can i keep the wine, chocolates and even this cake?"

"Go, just leave the package from Jay"

How did her fans know me? since when? what?

I called her phone and waited for her to answer. But nothing. So the only way to ask is go to her, our home.

I knocked on the door and a nigga opened the door. My damn front door.

"Ou shit- Dr. Kno- ROBB!!"

"Who you?"

"Mike, her guitar artist"

"Why are you inside my house?"

"I- uh, Robyn was working with a track yesterday, and we finished it at 11 and she told us to stay"

"us? what the hell did you do last night Rihanna?" She came downstairs wearing my shirt, and a pair of shorts.

"what do you mean?"

"why are your fans sending me flowers, gifts on my birthday? how did they know my adress?"

"Oh, i didn't know, happy birthday?"

"thank you? tell your damn fans to stop sending me flowers, it hurts my nose"

"okay, i wrote a song about you and i thought you would like it-"

"not a fan of you"

That words can hurt her, I don't give a single fuck. She wrote a song? ok? Using me for money and shit? Selfish.

I left, without seeing my little boy, i drove to a pizza place and ordered some on the way. I went to Matt's house, told him to camp with me.

I need peace.

"Where's your mom?" He asked me.

"In Houston? Look, i called her already, not a problem"

"okay but, Rob? she released a new single for you. Have you listened?"

"No, i don't want to" I said starting up a campfire.

"You need to, it's so good, slayed"

"can we stop saying that word now?"

"slaaaaay ROBBIE"

K, fine. I listened, not bad at i expected. I remembered, I shouted and asked her what is she willing to do to get us back together. And now, she anewered.

She gon Kiss it better.

"You better call that girl, so she can begin to kiss it better" Matt said with a smirk sipping on his beer.

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