Chapter 1 - The longing memory

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Hey! Are you new? If yes, please read the 1st book b4 this one, thank you! (You can check my profile for it)
Doggy: "Alright, detective, ya better be right about her being here."
Spidella: "My investigation lead me to this place, I am pretty sure she's gonna be here."
Doggy: "If you say so."
Spidella: "C'mon, mate, I'll bet you a bone if she ain't here. C'mon, let's go"
Doggy: "Alright, fine."

They both entered the alleys.

Doggy: "Then let's make this arrest quick as possible then."

Spidella's Pov: "Something doesn't feel right... I just can't seem to put my finger on it.. But I'll figure it out later."

~ A few minutes later.. ~

Rustling noises
Spidella: "what was that?"
She looked over to her side, noticing a wolf-liked sized in sight.
Spidella: "Hey! Get back here!"
Willow: "Oh crap..!
Willow somehow escaped in a nearby vent.
Spidella: "No! Almost had her! Wait, I wonder where the vents lead to.. I think I can track her by following the vents' directions."
Spidella went back to inform Doggy about it.
Doggy: "Good idea! We could actually make this arrest faster! Let's go."

~ After following the vents' directions. ~

Doggy: "It ended here! In the next room! Too bad we need a code to unlock it."
Spidella: "Orrr I could just web the door out with my spider powers."
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (if you know, you know.)
Doggy: "Oh, right. I forgot that you were even a spider in the first place."
Spidella: "Bro I literally have 8 legs, aka how many legs spiders has."
Doggy: silence

Spidella took the door out with her webs, inside, Willow saw them and panicked as she rushes through the obstacles, terribly. Then she reached the end with another vent leading to another room. She jumped but she hit her head, stood up and jumped again for her to flee.

Spidella: "Aw hecc naw, this is the first time I've seen someone escaped so badly."
Doggy: "True tho, but now we need a scissor, mop, a screwdriver, and a white key to pass and open the door!"
Spidella: "Why are you always forgettong I'm a spider?"
Doggy: "Okay... A scissor and mop then."
Spidella swings over the obstacles with ease with her web.
Doggy: "Oh come on that's not fair!"
Spidella: "Bro just walk over the puddle, but don't run in it."
Doggy simply walked over the puddle.
Doggy: "o h, o k, but what about-"
Spidella webs out the police tapes.
Doggy: "Wow I wish I was a spider now."
Spidella: "y e p."
Doggy: "So are you gonna use your webs again?"
Spidella: "Nope, Imma use hop kick this time."
Spidella breaks down the door with her move.
Doggy: "Hands up, Willow! You are arrested for stealing food and other supplies from all over the city!"
Willow: "I was trying to feed my family! Please!"
Spidella: "Sorry Willow, no excuses. You need to go with us now."
Rash came througg the hallway.
Willow: "Stand down Rash. It's.. Not worth it."
Rash: "Wh- why? They'll take us away!"
Doggy: "We'd rather do that than taking you out."
Rash: "Grr.. You haven't seen the last of us!"
Doggy: "I'm sorry but.. You know the rules~ and so do I~ say goodbye~"
Doggy tazes both Rash and Willow, knocking them out.

~ Outside ~

Spidella: "Doggy, wasn't singing earlier necessarily?"
Doggy: "I don't know, just felt like it."
Spidella: "It also just.. Really doesn't feel right. At all."
Doggy: sigh "I know what you mean, Spidella. But unfortunately it is what it is. Things just has to be that way."
Spidella: "But.. Isn't there anything else to do about it?"
Doggy: "We all have roles to play, Spidella. Even if things take a worst turn for the better. We do things because we have to, not because we want to."
Spidella: sighs
Doggy: "Also, Spidella, there's something I have to tell you."
Spidella: "What is it?"
Doggy: "I know you still miss me, but please, wake up."
Spidella: "What are you-.."
Doggy: "Wake up Spidella. Wake up."

~ The dream starts to fade away.~

Zuzy: "Come on Georgie! Why can't you keep up with us?"
Georgie: "I'm one pig against two zebras. What do you expect?!"

Pony: "Well? Are you coming, Spidella?"
Spidella: "Huh? Where..?"
Mimi: "Remember that one old radio we found in one of our supply runs?"
Spidella: "What about it? Can we get it working?"
Mimi: "Yep! We just need batteries for it."
Zizzy: "Pony and I are going to the store to get some. Do you want to come along?"
Spidella: "Sure! Let's go!"

Spidella's Pov: "That was a weird dream... I do still miss him tho.."

~ End of chapter 1. ~

Weow, that sure took a while eh?
Yes I did put some references from Lego's old vids
Also while I was working on this, I found out that book 1's anniversary was a month ago! Can't believe I missed it!
For the 1 year anniversary, let's do some QnAs! Put some questions down below!
Yes, you can ask all sorts of questions!
If I can't answer a few, that means it's a spoiler. But I'll put in some clues for answers tho

And as always, cya on the next chapter!
Nixie out!

Ps. 5th of August for the anniversary reminder.

29th October - I'm sorry that I forgot that this exists *cri*

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