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amai ; the swell of the sea♫ i was all over her , salvia palth5 august 2007

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amai ; the swell of the sea
i was all over her , salvia palth
5 august 2007

Amais eyes fluttered open to the sound of Zealend calling her name. She slowly turned over to her alarm clock and saw that it was 6:30am, right on time. The sun was just starting to peek through the window, casting a warm glow on her face.

She sat up feeling the overwhelming sense of sadness and hopelessness as she stretched her arms above her head, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face, and taking a deep breath, wishing she could disappear and escape the pain that consumed her.

Amai dragged herself out of bed her movements sluggish and heavy. As she sat in front of the mirror, she stared at her reflection with a blank expression, feeling the weight of depression suffocating her as she struggled to find the energy to get ready for the day. She meticulously applied her makeup and styled her hair, but her efforts felt futile as she knew that the darkness within her would still be there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to consume her once again.

Sticking out her tongue, Amai winced as she carefully removed the barbell from her tongue, feeling a twinge of pain as the metal grazed the sensitive flesh, and gingerly replaced it with a new one, admiring the way the silver glinted against the pink of her tongue.

As she trudged out of her bedroom and down the stairs, she felt the weight of sadness dragging her down, making each step feel like an insurmountable effort. She tried to shake off the feeling, knowing that she had to go to school, but the thought of facing a day of classes and social interactions made her feel even more despondent. She forced herself to eat breakfast,listening to her parents arguing. The food tasted like nothing, and she quickly lost her appetite. She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, feeling a sense of dread as she walked towards the bus stop, knowing that she would have to put on a brave face and pretend that everything was okay, even though she felt like she was falling apart inside.

 She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, feeling a sense of dread as she walked towards the bus stop, knowing that she would have to put on a brave face and pretend that everything was okay, even though she felt like she was falling apar...

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