Broken smiles

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He was 5 years old when the misery began.

"Leave him out of it!"

And it only got worse and worse....

"NO!!! He is our son! Leave him alone!"

The only thing he was good at ...

"Shut up! He goes with me and that's it!"

...was to hide and keep quiet....

There was a time when he was happy. Where he had a big smile and could laugh with everything. A family, food, his favorite cat toy which he called Mr. Meow. The feeling when his mom stroked through his hair or his dad who secretly gave him a candy if he listened to him. But after all good things came to an end.

It all started when his father lost his job. They replaced the workers with machines. Everything still seemed to be going pretty well until he was told that his brother had a motorcycle accident. He was the only family member left. And of course the bills came in Smith's name (the father) since his brother was not conscious. Oh, but it didn't stop there!

Then his father began desperately looking for work, but it wasn't easy. He then found one on low pay, but it wasn't enough to feed them everyday. Then his father began to drink and gamble. Both parents often argue that later turned into fights so he hid in the closet and clasped his ears with his hands to vainly silence the screams. He really got scared when the yelling turned into hitting. They would beat and yell at each other until someone finally used their wits and noticed that their child was still 'sleeping'.

It went on until his father solicited money from the wrong people. Mostly for gambling or for his drinking. His mother tried to run away with her son a couple of times but that seemed impossible. And of course the accident struck.

His mother came home early after work and a little while later, he heard heavy footsteps. Oh no! Dad is home! he thought while running upstairs to hide. He ran to his room and silently closed the door. Like he did for a long time, he hid himself in the closet and heard his parents talk angrily.

"Where is that brat!"

"Why do you need him?!"

Tell me where the fuck he is!" His dad yelled.

"WHY?! To beat him up again?!! Leave him out of this!!!"

"Stupid bitch! Understand then that they want money!"

"THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM! You keep your paws off my son!"

"Your son? YOUR SON?! That useless brat is still mine too! Just fucking think! Those men will kill us if we won't give them the money! We made a deal. Our son for the money. Now tell me where that useless brat is! "

NO! No... Mom would never let that happen! Silent tears ran down his cheeks.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!!??? You made a fucking deal?!!! Keep your damn paws off my son!" she yelled.

"Like I said, he is also MINE and you will also get in trouble! Now give me that monster and all our problems are solved."


Heavy footsteps went its way upstairs. Now he panicked! His heart rate accelerated and his lungs were not getting enough oxygen. The footsteps sounded louder and he could hear his mother begging the man to stop.

"Please don't take him with you! Please! He...He is the only thing I hold dear, you can't take that away from me!" She cried while saying those words. Only his mother gave him all the love he needed and loved her to the moon and back.

The sounds stopped before his door and he covered his mouth with his hands while the tears were flowing. His mother tried to block the door for his dad but he pushed her to the ground. "Come out!" he yelled furiously. He was startled when a painful wail sounded. That was from mom! With that in his mind he ran out of the closet to his mother. "No! Mom-!"

A hand grabbed him roughly by the arm and he tried in vain to resist. The man tightened his grip and dragged him to the car. "I'm sorry..." his mother said while passing her by. The man took his son with the car to a gray building that looked very expensive. "Get out," he demanded. Without hesitating, he rushed out of the car. Before he could blink they stood in an office. All colors left his face and his throat dried when a force man in a suit appeared. He had a scar through his left eye and short black hair.

"Hello Smith, I see you brought someone." he said with a glare to the kid. The man bowed a bit before the child and made eye contact with him. The boy shivered scared when he saw the hate in his eyes. "You belong to us now and do what we say. If you don't," he lowered his voice in a threatening tone," you'll get punished."

Oh god, OH GOD! What are they planning to do?! What do I do now?!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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