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EVANI TRYING TO OPEN THE DOOR, LOOKING AT IT WEIRDLY WHEN IT WOULDN'T OPEN. struggling she banged on it, the door finally opening.

she walked through the hallways, stumbling down the stairs. she looked down at the red substance on the stairs.

she tried to ignore it, "tatum!" she yelled.

getting no response she finally saw Randy laying down. a bullet wound in his chest.her eyes widened as her hands started shaking, "dewey! tatum." she cried.

stumbling towards the kitchen, she saw gale laying most likely dead. blood covering her body.

evani stumbled into the kitchen, "stu!" she called out stopping when she saw sidney's dad dead on the floor. and sidney crying with billy standing in front of her covered in blood, a crazed look in her eyes.

"evie?" billy questioned, "shit! he said you were gonna be knocked out for at least another hour." he cursed rushing towards her.

she only stumbled away from him, turning straight into stu. "hey evie." he grinned down at her.

"w-what?" she cried glancing back at randy's body.

"you're not suppose to be up yet." he scoffed grabbing her by the waist, he walked her over where Billy waited.

she looked at sidney, the bloodied girl clearly terrified as she cried.

"evie, they killed tatum—shut up, bitch!" billy cut her off angrily.

"you don't get to call her that. that nicknames for me and stu only." he glared. turning back to sidney.

he tossed Stu the gun, taking evani by her thighs, he placed her on the counter. she tensed in his arms.

"I-I don't understand." she admitted sniffling.

he sighed heavily, he brought his bloody
hand up pushing back a strand of hair that was in her face.

"we did this for you, doll." he slightly lied, most of this was because of sidney and her whore of a mother. Stu was in it for evani only, he wanted her for himself.

when sidney opened her mouth to argue, stu glared and lifted his gun at her behind evanis back. the girl instantly shutting her mouth in fear of being killed.

"w-who's dead?" she whispered her voice cracking. when stu and billy stayed silent, sidney opened her mouth instead.

"randy, my dad, gale, dewey, tatum—"

"not so fast, tatums alive. she's just taking a nap." billy said somewhat truthfully. "we know how much she means to you, so we kept her alive. for you!" he yelled placing his hands against the sides of her faces.

he then sighed, "but sidney does have to die, she will just get in our way and I can't let that happen. she's in love with you evie, just like us." he told her pushing her legs open so he could stand in between them.

she shook her head in return, "what are you—" evie looked over at sidney seeing the girl looking down a guilty look in her face.

evani's face dropped, she had never noticed. she felt so stupid and incredibly guilty.

billy glared at the two, stepping back from the girl he cherished, he snatched the knife from stu dragging sidney to the living room.

"no, no. please billy, sidney! sidney!" she yelled following the two. stu chased her to the living room throwing her over his shoulder.

"stu put me down!"

her eyes widened, "stuart, put me down. I'm wearing a skirt!" she whisper shouted in his ear. he only placed his hand down on her butt to make sure the skirt doesn't go up.

she blushed a bright red, "oh my god." she mumbled.

she banged her fist on his back, "he's gonna kill her. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry sidney! I'm sorry." she sobbed just as he placed her back on the counter.

"shhh, sh baby. I know, I know." stu forced her face into his chest.

billy came back into the room even more blood on him than before, "w-why'd you do this?" she asked. "they were our friends. you loved sidney, billy!"

stu forced her face into his hands, "we couldn't have you if they were here. evie, I've been so in love with you for a long time." he admitted.

she only shook her head trying to pull herself away from him.

"—and you will love us back. no matter what." billy stated tossing the knife to the side.

she sobbed louder before she heard shouts, "it's billy and stu." gale told dewey.

"I thought you said she was dead!" billy clenched his jaw as he whispered.

"she looked dead man!"

"I called the sheriff, there almost here. I gotta get you out of here, gale." dewey claimed dragging gale out the house.

"we gotta go, man." stu said nervously.

"we can't take her." billy sighed as he started arguing with him.

finally they both agreed, billy left the room to get their bags they packed 'just in case' something like this happened.

"evie, I love you. I've been in love with you sense I met you." stu admitted, kissing her harshly, pulling away quickly though as Billy walked back in tossing him his bag.

stu left out the back door going to the car.

billy hesitated before putting his hands on the sides of her face, pulling her in, he kissed her deeply. "we'll come back for you doll. Be a good girl and stay patient."

he squeezed her thigh that wasn't hurt before running out the door. and she slid off the counter only seconds later.

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