Chapter 1: Monsters dont live under your bed, they live inside your head

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Third person POV:

Tommy began climbing on his friends bed. He was at a sleepover, and he was struggling since he was too small when he suddenly felt a hand grab his ankle and pull. He screamed on the top of his lungs, practically throwing himself on the bed, and began to cry.

Ranboo's mom came running inside the room, looking worried and walked over to the five year old asking if he was alright, but he shook his head no and pointed at the gap in the bed. " Someone grabbed my ankle!! " He cried, and she just frowned and looked at him pitiedly. " Sweetie theirs no such thing as monst- " She tried to explain, but he cut her off.

" No! Someone grabbed me!! I felt it!! " He cried, and from the corner of his eye, he saw his friend, ranboo, and tubbo in the doorway of the room looking worried. Moments before they went to go grab snacks and left him alone, so it was clear they felt guilty that he got scared.

" Okay.. How about this; I check for monsters, and if nothing is there, you dont get dessert after dinner, but if i'm wrong, i'll give you the ice cream. " She said, and he nodded, knowing for a fact he was right. She lowered herself on her chest slowly and looked closely under the bed before getting up and shaking her head.

He was shaking and kept insisting there was someone under their. She felt bad since the toddler was practically shaking, so she ended up giving him ice cream after dinner despite saying she wouldn't.

When he went home the next day, he noticed a bruise in the shape of a hand on his ankle and whispered under his breath how he knew he wasn't crazy. He didn't show his mother or father though, knowing they'd assume it was mrs. or Mr. ranboo. He couldn't do that to them after all they've done for him.

He would have frequent "nightmares"/"night terrors" and was diagnosed with schizophrenia and Sleep paralysis when he was seven or eight years old. He was known as the town crazy, and well he didnt have alot of friends the ones he did were all "popular" kids, who aren't fake popular people but the people who are popular for being well known and nice not "popular" because they're mean/bullies and have a lot of friends.

Ten years later and hes grown to be use to seeing dead people and demons. Some of which he's friends with. He's especially close with these group of kid ghosts they call themselves the dream team. They died while on a camping trip and can actually be seen by others. No one knows their ghosts of course. They pretend to be normal, alive teenagers.

Their stories are not known well since it was over eighty years ago, before communicators were made. So anyone alive to hear it either forgot it or were currently dead. They protected tommy from other mean ghosts, that wanted to hurt him and were pretty possessive sometimes.

They especially didn't like this one girl he talked too. Her name was eveylyn, she was his friend and could also see ghosts and she didn't seem to have a problem with them, but sometimes when dream did something she would get angry with him.

He wasn't sure why she got so mad during those moments, all he knew was that dream was doing something that could possibly hurt or even kill him, which kinda made him scared but dream denies ever doing it and says its a misunderstanding each and every time.

He also had this crush on a girl named "Em" but she didn't seem to like him much, she would give him weird looks and laugh at him with her friends which kinda hurt but oh well. Eveylyn often tried to get em too talk to him but she refused to even be near him, and called him a freak once which hurt. Well that's what she likes to be called, no ones sure her real name and teachers refuse to say it.

He found out a week ago she was also a ghost. She just hid it better, which is why she kept her distance with both tommy and Eveylyn.

To be continued...
Word count: 726

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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