Day Trip

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It was 5:30 in the morning and you were wide awake. You turned over on your side to see your beautiful wife fast asleep with a small smile plastered on her face. You knew you would both be up soon so decided to get up quickly and make yourself a drink.

You slowly wriggled yourself out of the super king sized bed trying your best not to wake Larissa. You made your way to the kitchen to make you and Larissa coffee in your favourite mugs. Your mug had a little cat wearing an eye mask that says 'Mom needs peace and quiet' and Larissa's mug had a picture of the three of you the day your daughter was born.

When the coffees were done you grabbed both mugs and went back up to your room. Larissa was still fast asleep. It was common on work days that she would be up before you but on her days off she made sure to enjoy her lie-in. You placed your drinks on the bed side table before getting back into bed wrapping your arms around Larissa's warm body.

You felt her shift slightly which meant you knew she would be awake shortly. You decided you couldn't wait much longer so started to leave little kisses along her shoulder and up her neck. You watched as your wife turned on her side to face you, slowly opening her eyes.

"Morning beautiful" she whispered with her raspy morning voice. "Morning my sweet angel, how are you this morning?" you asked her. "I'm good now I'm awake in your arms" she chuckled. You both cuddled up with one another enjoying one another's company as you watched the sunrise from your bedroom window. You knew now that it wouldn't be long until you were up anyway.

As if on cue your daughter Theodora came running into your bedroom trying to jump onto your bed. "Momma up" she said to you as she tried to climb up. You wiggled out of Larissa's hold on you before bending down to pick up the two and a half year old. Your daughter was perfect and looked just like Larissa. She is literally a mini version of her when it comes to looks but she has definitely inherited your cheekiness.

You pulled your daughter onto the bed before placing her in between both yours and Larissa's bodies. "Do you want to watch Bluey Theo?" you asked your little girl. "Yes momma" she said with her cheerful little voice. You let Theodora cuddle up with Larissa as you found Bluey, putting it on the tv for you all to watch.

You let Theo get engrossed in the tv while both you and Larissa drank your coffees. She ended up watching two episodes before you all went downstairs to start your day. "Mommy I'm hungry" she whined to Larissa. "Well what would you like to eat then peanut?" Larissa asked as she picked her up and held her in her arms.

"Hoops and stawberries" she cheered. Theodora called cheerios hoops because obviously they look like hoops. Makes sense. Larissa placed Theodora in her high chair while she got started on breakfast for the two year old while you started breakfast for you and Larissa.

Larissa plated up a handful of dried cheerios, some fresh cut strawberries and a slice of toast cut into fingers with a small amount of butter on it to then give to Theodora. While she was doing that you were making smashed avocado on sourdough toast. It was yours and Larissa's favourite as not only was it filling but it also felt like you were being healthy. By the time you had finished making breakfast for you and Larissa Theo had already eaten her breakfast and requested more.

Larissa made her another slice of toast and cut up a banana this time so she could snack on that while you could both eat your food. "So what is the plan for today then?" you asked before taking a mouthful of your toast. "Well I was thinking we could go to Bewilderwood. It's a magical treehouse adventure park in the middle of the woods. I think Theo would really enjoy it" she smiled at you as she continued eating her breakfast.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Let me have a look at prices and how long it will take to get there" you smiled as you got your phone out to have a look while Larissa started to entertain Theodora. "Ok so it's going to take us about 2 hours to get there roughly but that's including pit stops. As for the prices, Theo can get in for free and it's $26.54 each for us so just over $53.00 for the both of us" you smiled at Larissa as you finished the last of your breakfast.

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