Nostalgic Wishes

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ANYWAY *inhales*

Pin's  POV:

when i  woke up i saw a glimpse of  a object above my head staring at me, it seemed to be.. TD? i timidity and fastly got up to see, nothing, no teardrop must've just been a hallucination.. wait... thats bad too! you know what? im finding four

the more i walked around the more i got lost, then i saw four coming from somewhere. i didn't hesitate to come up  to him, ''Four!'' i must have startled him because he jumped back pretty far with his arms slightly up,

''Oh! Sorry! i was just wondering when i can meet the algebin- algabrains! sorry the word is a bit hard to pronounce,''  i smeared a awkward smile on my face as four replied ''well, i did just talk to them, they said sure i was just coming to get you''

As me and four walked to the 'math playground' as he calls it four warned me ''hey pin, just a warning, if you see nine or in your case a white nine they are a bit, rough, compared to other algibrains

Four's POV:

As we entered the math playground one by one we introduced pin to all the numbers but nine was last cause they have 'stuff' to do. to be honest he is just plain annoying no wonder he is so underrated.

By now im started to second guess my decisions, i don't think it was the best idea, considering seven called pin tiny and cute and six just staring at her for a bit before asking what she was i don't wanna think back on that. that's when i heard ''WHATZ UPPP BROO'S!'' its nine i groaned in annoyance  while pointing at nine ''thats...nine...'' i said just not wanting to exist .

Pin just walked up to nine as nine lifted his shades up and looked at her ''hello!'' pin greeted the algibrain towering over her ''hello tiny thing''  nine greeted pin back with a smile i w as surprised nine wasn't trampling her with curiosity he seemed  to be more respectful in a weird way.


Teardrop's POV:

When  i came to the show grounds i noticed the burn't house no one dared to wander into, though  when blocky,snowball, or any other contestant is playing t or d its the main thing in the game. 

well, im dead so, it wont hurt to visit

when i went in it felt  weirdly..... nostalgic  but i have no memory of being here, thats when i saw a picture of.. me? and two other droplets one seemed to be rain  and the other, also rain but they  where  towering over  me... wait- i picked up the picture for a closer look, it was me! it was my parents in the photo next to me.

that's when i started  to hallucinate a lot, giving me a migraine i dropped the photo making it shatter which was enough to snap me out of it, i quickly picked it up again but thats when blocky walked into the building probably one of the dares he got, i quickly dropped the picture before he thinks the picture was floating at that second i forgot i was dead.

as he came up to the photo he phased right through me ''ooh sick! HEY ERASER, PEN ITS A SICK OLD PHOTO!'' he quickly called out ''GIVE US A SECOND! WE'RE COMING!'' what seemed like pen  shouted out as blocky examined the picture more his eyes widened ''wait a minute is that teardrop?..... GUYS I JUST FOUND SOMETHING CREEPY IT'S ABOUT THE PHOTO''

I nervously watched them admire the photo ''yeah you were right dude this is teardrop!'' eraser remarked as pen followed ''yeah but, why is the dad so, unhappy? is that why she doesn't speak? or is it deeper lore or something?'' i didn't like them invading my belongings so i  crashed a vase in order for them to go away, and it indeed scared them ''bro what was that?''  blocky asked  timidly

i opened the pots and pans cabinet and just pulled down one pot to cause everything else to fall ''OH MY GOD BRO RUN!'' they all shrieked in fear and  ran out of my house i chuckled a bit since it didn't hurt to speak anymore

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