No. 5

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On a nearby island, Warren and Hypno follow the leader to a wrecked building.

"Villain to villain, your hideout is a bit,... lacking. Might I suggest some velvet, a fireplace, maybe a fuzzy white cat with a diamond necklace?" Hypno gasped when he saw more foot soldiers and a large portal.

The leader stood on top of the stairs. "Tonight, we liberate our masters from their dimensional portals. With this key, we shall free them to lay waste to this world and enslave its people."

"I thought we were just gonna rob a bank and be, you know, crime buddies," Warren said, he was nervous about what the leader said.

"We shall follow the kraang as they lead the Foot clan to glory!" He was interrupted by Leo, who yelled out: "Booored."

The Turtles, Splinter, Casey  April, and gabby were on the top of the building, looking at them through the broken ceiling.


"What? I was waiting for a good spot to jump in, but they just kept blabbity blab-ing." Leo said.

"There it is! That's the key!" Casey said the leader was holding the canister.

"Get them! Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" He yelled and the good guys jumped off the ceiling.

The foot clan leader put the canister in a slot and turned it. It began to glow and purple sparks flew.

Casey used his grabbling hook to kick a foot soldier away from him and he landed safely on the ground.

"No!" He noticed the portal was about to open. "It's started! He's unlocking the doorway!" He used his hockey stick to attack the foot. "We need to get up there right now!"

"Casey, go. We've got you covered." Leo said as he opened a portal underneath Casey's feet. He yelped and the portal closed. The Foot couldn't get to him.

A portal opened above the leader and Casey flew out of it as he spun his weapon in the sky. He slammed his weapon toward him but he missed. The leader kicked the boy but missed as he grappled on the portal and spun around, kicking the Foot leader off the stand.

Casey was about to grab the canister when a force pushed him away and a beam went straight into the sky. Everybody gasped, the portal was now opened.

Tentacles came out of the portal. A large rectangle alien revealed out of the portal

"Oh no... They're here."

"Then let's make sure their visit's short and sweet," Raph said as everyone gathered around, ready to fight them.

The alien walked fully out of the portal. "I'm finally free!" He screamed. "The people of this planet will pay for what they've done to me!"

"Welcome to Earth! I hope you don't enjoy your stay!" Raph said as he punched the alien but they deflected it and wrapped his tentacles around Raph's neck. He smiled evilly but it dropped when he saw more of them.

Donnie and Casey stood in front of the Kraang, Mikey and April used the element of surprise but he noticed them. Mikey tried to wrap his chains on the kraang and April was ready to give herself a home run. As everyone tried to attack the kraang they were either blocked, thrown or slammed away. The kraang was too powerful.

A blue portal opened, and Leo jumped out of it. Leo threw his katana behind the alien and teleported behind him. He tried to slash him but he blocked his attack. Leo moved away from the kraang and portalled away. He teleported in front of the Kraang, away from him.

"Enough tricks!" The creature's gills opened and then screamed loudly, pushing everyone a bit.

As this happened, Leo's powers were coming out of him and were locked away. Donnie and Mikey's powers too.

ENDLESS LOVE- C.JWhere stories live. Discover now