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You could hear everyone in the garage jumping and screaming with joy. Loud shouts from across the garage filled the paddock.

Charles just got p2 in qualifying and Carlos p3.
This was fantastic. One of them might have a chance at winning. This was the first time in a while that Charles had a good quali. He's been having some bad luck and he might end that tomorrow.

Everyone waits for them to come back to celebrate. Everyone but Mattia. Something was going on and he wasn't going to tell anyone soon.

"Mattia is everything okay?"I say concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just shocked that this is happening" Yes that's understandable but I don't buy it one bit. Something was up and I was going to figure it out.

After Charles's interview, he came running to the garage. He was quick on the engineers because he wanted to find one person.


"Charlie!! You did so well. I'm so proud of you"

"Thank you but I won't take all the credit"

"What do you mean? You drove the car. Pushed it to its limits."

"Well, I had a good luck charm today?"

"Really? What?"

Carlos suddenly ran behind Stella and threw himself at her.

"Stella I did it"

"Yes you did Carlos," I say caught off guard by him

"Charles well done on P2." He says landing perfectly on his feet while me almost falling to the ground:

"Well done on P3 man. We are going to smash this" Charles says pumped yet slightly embarrassed

"I hope you don't mean literally..." I say

"What do you... oh my god yeah no" Charles says then realising what he said

"I came because we need to interviews with your madre" Carlos says first pointing at him and Charles and secondly pointing to me

"Good luck you're going to need it," I say knowing exactly what my mother is going to say.

She always asks if they are happy if they could have done better, if they had problems and what pushed them to that place on the grid.

When they left I was about to grab my camera and take photos when Mattia said to me

"Your the good luck charm Stella"

"No, I'm not," I said denying everything

He looked at me disappointingly and then left. I stood there. I'm his good luck charm. A feeling of warmth and fireworks went threw my body. My cheeks getting warmer the more I stood there.

This feeling was new to me. The fireworks stayed in me as the heat slowly hit my face. No, I'm not. We've only just met. Nope, it's not true. Deny deny deny!

I came to my senses after my phone vibrated. I look down at my phone.

                                 F1 Bosses

"Father 2"
Congratulations Max, Charles
and Carlos on getting top 3
in Qualifying

Lord Percival
Thank you, Nico

French Bestie
I think Charles has a good
luck charm with him

He told me he does Pierre but he's not telling me what it is.

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