Chapter 3: The Ritzler

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Authors note💩💩💩💨💨💨: WASSUP GIRLIES HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING BatB <333 Anyways my bestie 🥺👉👈 Bean_Mans parents like died or something I don't know it's like whatever🙄and the orphanage is being so uncool it's not even like cool. So I'll be working on this chapter by my lone self 🥺🥺🥺 please enjoy 😍😍😍😘😘😘

After running away he hid around a corner, collecting his surroundings; where was he? This wasn't his world? What happened after that punch from that stupid Italian girl.

He frantically seized his Samsung Galaxy G II Epic 4g Touch back out of his ass and tried to figure out what was happening. THEN HE (I forgot what I was gonna write. CHCOLEs) He then opens his emails to realize that he became the CEO of Ritz (Rizz) like he always dreamed of since he was just a wee little lad in his pantaloons. He ate Ritz crackers for every meal, every day, with lemonade-l-l-lemonade in a water bottle constantly.

Then suddenly he sees Travis the janitor/french teacher/pe coach. He was windmill-breakdancing with his mop shoes to clean the walls, also using his luscious medium-length brown hair to mop the floors. Then Travis, unblinkingly, turns to face Adam. He opens his mouth while staring into Adam's soul. "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL. GTE TO CLASS. GREEN BEANS ARE YUMMY."

Adam pauses with fear shaking as he hears the beeping come from the entity. He then frantically dashes and scurries away from the thing, scared out of his mind. In Adam's frenzy of fear, he SMACKS into someone- or- GASP! "You alright, buttercup?" The wall said in his beautiful luscious southern text-to-speech man voice. There was a thunk sound near the floor as the wall gently placed his ripped arms on Adam's shoulders.


 The wall had dropped his Nokia but didn't seem to care for it, keeping his beautiful pale eyes on Adam.

"Name's Wall-San, what about you good-looking?" He spoke playfully with a Rowblox man face smirk.

"Uh-Uh Uh-Uh UH- UH- A-A-A-ACHOOOOO." Adam's gross and slimy green snot flew onto Wall-San, and he quickly covered his face. "I-I- I'm so s-sorry Wall-San! Let me clean that up for you!" Adam got close to Wall-San and took out a handkerchief from his pantaloons, wiping his snot off the wall. He took a nervous step back, tomato-red blush painted on his face. He then bent down and picked up Wall-San's Nokia, handing it to him. "I-I-I'm A-Adam..." He pulled a Debbie-Ryan move, pushing his hair behind his ear.

"It's a pleasure to meet you A-" Wall-San started to say, graciously taking his phone back before the janitor/french teacher/pe coach Travis came rushing down the other hall at Mach 20 speed while helicopter-breakdancing. He opened his mouth while rushing at them.


"W-w-what?" Adam said shaking in his little pantaloons he was so frightened his headband flew off.

"We better get going Sugar Snap Pea!" Wall-San spoke frantically, pulling Adam by the arm lightly, making him fly through the halls as they were chased by Travis.

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