Chapter 8: Behind The Mask

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*** Content Warning! Graphic detail of violence and gore. Depiction of death and harm ***

Josie POV

Hope and I made it into the house after Jade opened it and ushered us in. Maya was still very sleepy and was helped in my Penelope and Ben. Jade shut the door and then made her way down the hall and into the kitchen which was directly connected to her sitting room that had a tv and coffee table. I noticed that she had seemed to sober up a lot on the drive over.

Penelope laid Maya down gently on the couch and then sat down beside her.

Jade had set down a glass of water for Maya too.

"Hey Jade you have any popcorn? I am so hungry." Penelope said as she stood up.

"I think there should be some in the pantry. Have a look."

Penelope nodded as Jade moved over to the tv and began to look through a selection of movies beside it. I walked over to her so I could ask her about the phone.

"Hey Jade sorry to be asking again but where is your landline? So I can check on Lizzie and my Mom."

Jade nodded and took out a movie. I realised it was the first Scream movie as she opened the box an then switched on the DVD player and put it in. She then looked to me.

"It's beside the door. Though it has been rather glitchy lately Josie. You might not get a great signal from it. Can't you ring from your own phone to your house?"

I nodded.

"Oh yeah I can."

I went to my pocket but was surprised to find it empty. I check all my other ones too but no luck.

"If I can find it. Maybe I left it out in the car."

Jade only shrugged and went over to Hope and held her hand out.

"Josie thinks she left her phone out in my car. I can have a look since she has already been attacked once. Better not to chance it again. I will be quick."

Hope nodded and handed the keys with an unreadable look on her face. Jade left and talked as she went.

"Someone put on the movie. I want to finish my watch from last night."

Hope smiled to me and patted the seat beside her as Ben walked over and started play. We were immediately shown the intro to scream which starts with Drew Barrymore. Ben frowned at the screen.

"Not sure this is the best thing to watch with everything going on." Ben said.

"Yeah well tell that to Jade. Our resident horror fiend." Hope said.

Ben took out his phone and checked it.

"Still nothing from Jed. I hope everything is okay. I'm not getting great signal here."

"Yeah it's one of the reasons Jade barely stays here. The internet and signal are spotty at the best of times. Sometimes out on the patio has a decent one though." Hope said.

"Noted. I will try there."

Ben left through the side door and Penelope sat back down and had popcorn with her. She smiled at the movie.

"Oh nice this is my favourite one."

Clarke POV

I pulled up to outside Jade's house with Deputy Sarah behind in another car. I switched off the engine and signed as the images of the two teenagers bodies that I just found flashed through my head. Even when I closed my eyes they wouldn't disappear and I doubt they would for a long time.

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