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Warning: gore/blood, using

She walked to school smiling and laughing as she talked with her bestfriends, "BAHAHAHAH!" one girl laughed. "Hemiko you're hilarious!" She said, giggling. "Nah you're just a easy laugher" Hemiko replied. "Agreed." The other said, "oh shut up Hazi" she said annoyed. "Oh come on you know we're just joking Lashi" Hazi chucked. "Okay,okay calm down you two" Hemiko silenced them as they continued to school.


' ugh these bitches, there in the way of me and Hazis friendship...and relationship. Looks like I'll have some business after school~ ' she chuckled to herself before walking into the school herself looking for her room. "Ah, fuck which ones it again .." she mumbled, "heyo Ruxi!" Someone called. " Hello Saziko " she sighed, "happen to know where A7 is?" She sighed, "ohhh! It's just around the corner!" Saziko pointed to the left. "Thanks. " She smiled, "no problem ". Ruxi made her way to the room and sat into her desk, ' ahh, I really don't wanna fucking do school today. ' she exhaled quite loudly. She looked up and the teacher was beginning the lesson but she zoned out.
"Miss Hokia? Are you paying attention?" The teacher called. "What- yeah I am" she snapped out of it, the teacher was about to say something before the bell rang. "Ruxi, stay after class I must discuss something with you." Ruxi rolled her eyes, "yes sensei." She exhaled and walked up to Mr. Mioka. "Pay attention more in my class or you'll be held back, you may leave now" Ruxi walked out of class, the hell. What a wast of time to say 5 words. She exhaled and headed towards her next class before spotting Hazi, she followed her. Ah yes, lunch time for her. I dont see why I can't just skip one class. Ruxi followed Hazi to a table were she sat next to her friends and a strange male. "Who the hell-" she said out loud to herself from watching afar.

The guy put his arm around Hazi and Hazi put her head on his shoulder. What. The. Fuck. Ruxi lost her cool and walked over calmly putting on a smile, "hello girls and, who's this?" She looked at him. "Oh Ruxi! This is my boyfriend Gaoi!" Hazi smiled, "nice to meet you Gaoi" Ruxi said. "To you as well Ruxi". She took out her phone and dialed a number, this fucking bitch is dead now, how dare he even touch her... She bit her lip and snapped out of it when she heard a hello from the phone "I need a favor" Ruxi replied coldly. "Of course what for?" They replied, "I need you too take the blame for me so I can ----------------" She stated. They hesitated, "of course boss" they replied sighing jail again it is they sighed. "Good I'll pay you once you're free alright?" , "Of course ma'am." Ruxi hung up and ate her food death staring Gaoi.


"Thanks for walking me home" she kissed his cheek. "No problem babe." He rubbed the back of his neck blushing slightly, "see you tomorrow?" She smiled. "Tomorrow." He grinned playfully and walked away after she entered the house, he walked on the sidewalk before being dragged away with his mouth covered. What the fuck, who the hell? There so damn strong! He struggled under there grip before being thrown to the ground. Two figures appeared from the shadows, "who the hell are you guys-" his eyes widened. "Ruxi?!" He said confused not knowing the other person, Ruxi chuckled and grinned. "You touched my Hazi, you must die. " She put a cold face on with her eyes darkening. "What the fuck! You fucking phyco!" He grabbed a knife from his back pocket and lunged at her put she moved in a dash grabbing his arm snapping it. "Soaki the tape." They handed Ruxi the tape and Ruxi duck taped his mouth to shut him up. "Stop struggling" she slammed his head into the concrete multiple times until it bled. Soaki watched in silence, Ruxi grabbed a knife and ripped his throat open and stabbing his chest multiple times until he stopped breathing.

Ruxi took out her fangs and bit his neck sucking his blood before it turned cold. "Boss, that's enough..." Soaki grimaced, Ruxi glared at them. "Ya whatever just take the blame" she grabbed a towel and washed herself before using her powers to dash away. Soaki sighed, another jail sentence. I wonder how long this time they will lock me up this time. They picked up the knife and wiped Ruxis finger prints off and putting hers on it before dragging the body out to the sidewalk and standing near it until someone walked past picking up the phone calling someone here we go again... They waited until the cops showed up and started running for it untill the cops caught up to them and hand cuffed them. "Ma'am your coming with us." The cop said harshly, "what the fuck ever" they struggled and tried to escape multiple times to keep the act.
The cops shoved them into the car as they drove them to the prison. Untill I'm needed again Ruxi. She leaned to the side and fell asleep.


At least there loyal to the end. Ruxi said before entering her house and putting her extra weapons in a hidden locked up drawer. My sweet, sweet Hazi, you'll always be mine! She began to laugh in a maniac-like manner before turning the TV on watching the news, on the news already are we? She checked the clock 6:30 pm. She turned the TV after seeing Soaki being arrested and put in jail for the crime. Guess I'll have to bust them out again sometime soon but for now there fine. She exhaled before grabbing a bottle of blood and drinking it. "Hah, this is the stuff." She closed her eyes and continued drinking before getting a phone call, she grinned seeing it was Hazi. She acted sad and answered the phone, "hey Hazi what's up?" She listened to the sobbing of Hazi. "G-Gaoi is dead!" She sniffled loudly, Ruxi let out a gasp "oh Hazi! I'm so sorry, I'll be right over hang on okay?" She heard Hazi give a 'mhm' before hanging up the phone. "Finally you're mine at last~" she grabbed a knife and put it in her pocket long with a glass vile of blood for emergencys, she opened the door and used her powers to dash over to Hazis place. Ruxi knocked on the door and let a sobbing Hazi fall into her arms, "shhhh, it's okay Hazi. I'm here for you" she patted her back bringing her inside the house and setting her on the couch closing the door, she rocked her in her arms untill she fell asleep in her arms snoring softly. "Mine" Ruxi said in a whisper before going to sleep with her.

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