Chapter 2

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It is 6 in the evening and I am in the kitchen thinking what should I cook. Why you ask? Because I love to cook and eat. Everytime I am in the kitchen it feels like I am in paradise. Although we have maids for help but I prefer to cook alone most of the time so I can see the reaction of the people when they taste the food I cooked.

I wish someday I can get a reaction from my husband as well. I don't know what he likes or dislikes except for a few things that Maa told me but I want to know them from him. Like his favourite dish, his favourite icecream flavour, does he like sweet or spicy and many more.

"Aish what should I cook for dinner? Should I ask Arya? I think I should she can help me". Before I can call Arya I got a call from her, so I picked it up.

**** On The Phone ****

"Bhabhi guess what" she exclaimed.


"My team won the first place"

"Really congratulations sweetheart. I am so proud of you and your friends".

"Thanks bhabhi, by the way I called you because I wanted to tell you that I am going to celebrate with my friends so I will be home a little bit late tonight, obviously if it's fine with you."

"That's perfectly fine with me Arya, you need to celebrate but don't be too late okay? Come home before 10".

"Okay Bhabhi, Bye love you"

"Love you too"

Then she hung up the call.

Now where I was again yeah the dinner. Now it's only me and Advik are left. "What should I cook? God this is annoying" I grumbled.

"What is annoying?" Advik asked standing against the doorframe wearing a tuxedo?

"What is annoying?" Advik asked standing against the doorframe wearing a tuxedo?

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"Oh well the dinner..... Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah Bhai wants me at the office"

"Oh okay"



"Make sure to stay at your room okay? Specially if the power cuts off kyunki...." he said in a very low tone while coming towards me, which was enough to give me goosebumps.


"No-one told you this but our house is haunted. Since you will be here alone, you better try to save yourself from her. Remember that she loves the drawing room so never try to go there okay?" By this time he was standing just a mere centimetre away from me.

I gulped and slowly nodded my head.

"Okay then I will be going, Bye" and he left leaving me alone in this house oh no not house haunted house.

Gosh I hate Advik so much. "He was lying it can't be true Chaya au-aur Arya wi-will be here soon. Let's just go to our room and be there until she comes back" now I am talking to myself wow.

I grabbed a few almonds and a bottle of water and rushed to my room which was on the first floor.

The first thing I did after coming back to my room was closing the door, locking it and finding a torch, a candle, matchsticks.

After grabbing all my necessities I put them on the side table. Then I checked behind the curtains, under my bed and inside our closet just to make sure that no-one is here except for me. I sighed and sat on the bed.

I drank some water then checked the time it was only 7 o'clock. "3 hours more Chaya you can do it." I reassured myself then picked one of the book from the bookshelf and started reading it.

Pip stepped up on to it and climbed, her hands clammy and sticky on the
metal rungs.
She poked her head up through the hatch and looked around. The room
was lit by several floor lamps and the walls were decorated with a white and
black floral design. On one side of the loft there was a mini-fridge with a
kettle and a microwave on top, shelves of food and books. There was a fluffy
pink rug in the middle of the room and behind it was a large flat-screen TV
that was just being paused.

I was reading my favourite book 'A good girl's guide to murder' by Holly Jackson when the power cut off. How? I looked towards the window and that's when I realised the storm is coming. God Arya I need to call Arya. I picked up my phone and called her.

**** On The Phone***

"When are you coming back home Arya?" I asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"Uh Bhabhi I will be back in half an hour"

"But the weather outside-"

"I know bhabhi that is why we are leaving from here but it would take me half an hour to reach home."

"Oh okay come fast"

"Kay Bhabhi Bye"


After the call I slowly reached the window and closed it. And then something came rushing back to me that shouldn't have.

Advik said there is a ghost in here. Oh Hanumanji please help me. Neither I can die nor I can get possessed right now.

I reached to my bed slowly sat on it. Then tried to find candle and matchsticks. "Got it". After lighting up the candle I sat there listening to the wild wind and the sound of lightning and counting my breath.

1 2 3 ............ 999 1000 1001

As I said 1001 the bell rang.

"Arya is here at last". I jumped down from the bed took the torch and ran downstairs and while chanting Hanuman Chalisa.

When I reached the door I opened it and the person standing there wasn't Arya.

It was....

I hope you people liked the chapter.

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