Chapter 4: Despair Of The Heart

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The rain was pouring and your hands were shaking hard. As you neared your car, you swore you could hear screaming, but dared not too look back. This only spurred you to go faster. Finally in your car, you slammed the door shut, jammed the keys in the ignition and pressed down on the gas pedal. The sound and feel of the tires on the wet pavement was enough to make you burst into tears. You had an experience with an eldritch horror, a living monster, a man who was no more. Your hand was beginning to ache as you realized you were still gripping the paper of items he wanted you to get. "No matter where you go, what you say or do, you belong to me now. Do you understand?" His parting words rang in your ears, echoing over and over again. You began to cry, it was all too much. Kelsey's death, Jen's warning, Springtrap, your phone... You desperately wanted to call anyone, beg and scream for help, but Springtrap's warning reminded you that you were bound to him. You had no idea who he was, or what he was. You stopped at a red light, and looked at a map of the town you kept in your glove box when you had first moved here. All the stores, restaurants and other stores were scribbled all over. You skimmed over it with your eyes.. There it was! A phone store. Hopefully they could help you fix yours or even transfer your data over. A loud honk brought you back to reality. The light had been green for a hot minute now. You threw the hand drawn map onto the passenger's seat and waved apologetically, pressing more gently on the gas peddle. The store you wanted was coming up, so you pulled into the driveway of it and threw the gear shift into park. Grabbing your crushed phone and your wallet, you rushed inside, thankful for the rain as it washed your tears away. You pushed the door open and took a moment to appreciate the warm air flowing directly onto you. "Can I help you?" A young woman with a blue business shirt had walked up to you. "Uh, hi... Yes. I need a new phone, unless you can somehow fix this..?" You held up the crushed phone in your hand. She winced, looking at it. ".. Might I ask what happened?" You paused. "Best to not. Is there anything you can do?" "Unfortunately I don't think we can save it. We could move over your data, phone numbers, and number for you though!" She said cheerfully. "No thanks. I'll do it at home." You said. You followed her to the help desk and laid your old phone on the flat surface while you went to pick out a new phone to treat yourself from today's horrors. Finally picking out the newest version and the most expensive, your wallet cried as you pulled out your credit card and handed it over to the young woman who had helped you. "Thank you so much." You said, relief washing over you. "You're welcome! Good luck, yeah?" She said, handing you back your card. You slid into your wallet safely, and took the bag containing your new phone. She took your old one and held it up. "Would you like me to dispose of this properly, or would you rather hang onto it?" "I'd like to hang onto it if that's okay." She smiled. "No problem. Here you go." 

Back in your car, you drove home in silence. Finally pulling into the driveway, you parked your car and sat on your bed, plugging your old phone into the new one after unpackaging everything and hanging up your keys. "Come on... Please..." Anxiety rose in your stomach and crawled to your throat, making it hard to focus. Your new phone lit up, showing the brand name and then the home screen. The anxiety still remained, however. Would your old phone even still work? You hadn't even tried in your panic to get away from Springtrap. As it slowly flickered, a tiny hope grew in you. That hope died quickly. The phone died as soon as it had come to life. You let out a frustrated growl and threw your old phone at the wall. Oh well. Thank goodness you had most of your numbers memorized. You quickly set up your new phone, and with shaking hands called Jen. She answered with a wary "Hello?" You sighed. "Hey. It's me." Jen gasped. "Y/n?! Did you go to that creepy old establishment?" You were silent for a moment. "No." You lied quickly. "Thank god. I was worried about you!" You couldn't help but laugh softly. "Thanks." You said. "Hey, I gotta go. Need to call my mom." You said softly. Jen sighed. "Okay. Be safe, okay? And keep in touch!" You said your goodbyes and hung up. You stayed on your bed for a few moments and then got up. You looked at Springtrap's list of items he wanted you to get, and checked your calendar. 5 days left. Might as well make the most of it. You took his list and grabbed your keys off of the kitchen counter and walked down the steps of the porch and opened your car door. Sitting down, you closed it and took a deep sigh, closing your eyes. A dark chuckle sounded in your ears and your eyes snapped open. "I see you're taking my orders, well, pet." Springtrap's voice echoed quietly in your car. You sat still, sweat beginning to form on your face and hands. "I.. I'm not y-your p-p-p-pet." You dared to stammer out. You dared not look to see his face. A deep rumbling sound vibrated in your ears, making the whole car shake slightly. "You will not show me that disrespect again. I will let this slide as you are still learning how things work.... Don't. Let it happen again." He snapped. You whipped around to tell him off but there was no one there. Your mouth hung open and your eyes began to sting from not blinking. You closed them and shook your head, jamming the key in the ignition and backing up. You drove to the corner store where most items could be purchased when you realized you forgot your credit card. Hitting your steering wheel in frustration, you turned the car around to head back home to snatch it up. You scolded yourself for being so inattentive. It was right near your keys.... And phone. Damn it. Its been a rough few days.. You told yourself. Arriving back home, you ran in and grabbed your things, locking the door behind you, unlike what you had done when you had first left. You stopped and listed things off out loud. "Door? Locked. "Keys? In the car. Card? In my hand. Phone? In my hand as well. Anything else?" You snatched a jacket and umbrella as well to avoid rain if it came again. The sky was gray. Gloomy, sad. The wind was cold as well, and it whispered as if telling you to turn around and go inside and hide until this all went away. But Springtrap's warning scared you too much to disobey. You already had one auditory hallucination of him in your car, you didn't want another. Heading back to the car, you clambered in and set off back to your original destination. 

Reaching the small store, you walked in quietly avoiding eye contact with anyone. You reached the counter and looked at the cashier who was chewing a wad of pink bubblegum and popping it. Her elbows were on the counter and she looked very bored. "Can I help you...?" She drawled out, looking you up and down. You felt annoyed by that and cleared your throat. "Yes. I need a couple of things." Springtrap's list was sure to spark concern if you bought everything at once. You would have to span out. ... Great. "Uh.. I need a 5 ft. rope, and .. Three lighters." The girl rolled her eyes. Your eyes flashed to her name tag. 'Shawna'. Shawna pointed lazily to the hardware section. "Over that way and if you pass the garden gnomes you've gone too far.." You thanked her and strolled towards the direction she had pointed to. Quicker than expected, you found the rope section. You would have to call someone over to help you cut it. Thank the stars an employee had sauntered over and asked if you needed help. 'Paul'. "Can I help you with anything today?" Paul asked. You smiled nervously, anxious in the presence of another person in this aisle. "Uhh.. Yes, actually. I need 5 ft. of ..." Which one, which one?! Your eyes scanned over the many types of rope and you chose a medium size, hoping it would not piss Springtrap off. Better get several types, just in case. "Uhm, and two of those please." Paul happily helped you, even carrying it to the counter so you wouldn't get poked by the rope. You snatched a handful of lighters too on your way up. Unfortunately for you, Shawna would be checking you out. She scanned the items so slowly, and you shifted one foot to the other waiting for her to finish. "Going hunting or something?" She asked you lazily. You froze. Shit. You needed an excuse. "No actually, for my new boat." You blurted out. "I'm having a campfire on it!" She looked up, raising one eyebrow. "On the boat? Wouldn't that like.. Burn it down or something?" Mentally punching yourself, you looked at her. "Not on the boat, but in the yard! We're having a safe campfire!" "... Uh huh. I don't really care anyways... Well, your total checks out to $28.92..." She bagged your items as you shoved your credit card in the chip reader. Anxiety washed over you in waves as you waited for it to go through. "Have a nice day... Do you want a receipt...?" "No thank you!" You blurted out, grabbing the bag and walking out, trying to remain calm. You got in your car and threw the bag on the floor of the passenger's seat. "Right, duct tape next and then gas. 10 gallons.... Where were you supposed to get that much? You quickly googled a map up and located a large gas station chain. Oh man... Springtrap better pay you back for all this. Gas was hell of a high price these days. 

"Thank you!" You called over your shoulder, lugging out the 2 huge gas cans out, and opening the trunk. You had gotten a few extra things for Springtrap, trying to be nice. Hopefully, he would appreciate them. "Right, time to get gas. Springtrap, I'm gonna kill you if you don't pay me back...." You muttered. Putting the car in drive, you turned on the radio and listened in halfway, still anxious. Pulling into the gas station, you parked at a free station, you pulled the two gas cans out. Filling them up one by one, you watched as the bill grew and grew. Finally after what seemed like hours, the total came to $71.39. You sighed and closed the cap on both and slid your poor credit card into the card reader. You lunged into your car with the gas can, and nearly fell in. "Oof!" You yelped, grabbing the other and hauled it into the car. Finally. You had everything. Pulling your card out, you slid back into your car. It was time. 

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