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"y/n despiértate si quieres ver a tu novio diego" edson spoke through my door.
"no" i pulled my covers over me and tried falling asleep again till i heard my door open.

"levántate" edson tried pulling me out of the bed
"no quiero ir!" i clung myself onto my head board while my feet were getting pulled.
"no quieres ver a diegito?" edson asked talking in a little girls voice.
"no! déjame en paz." i tried to kick him away
"mh okay, te veo al rato" he dropped my legs and i fixed myself back onto my bed.

"my back hurts from i dont know what." i groaned and grabbed my back before getting up from my bed.
after i finished brushing my teeth and washing my face i decided to finally go downstairs and eat.
"mami tenemos tortillas de harina? quiero hacerme una quesadilla." i looked in the refrigerator for tortillas till i saw them in plain sight.

i was in the middle of cleaning my room when i heard the front door open which meant edson had came home. "y/n!" he called me down and when i got there he had the biggest smile on his face.
"que paso?" i asked looking at him up and down.
"a diego le gustas mucho nena.."he started giggling.
"no me importa diego ahora dejame en paz." i went back up to my room and finished cleaning.

i was stalking diego on instagram when his name popped up on the top of my screen, making me look around my room for any hidden cameras..

hola y/n porque no viniste hoy?☹️

estaba cansada no tenía ganas de ir😓

queria vertee😪

lo siento😕

quieres compensarme?😋

hmm está bien, qué quieres que haga?

quiero llevarte a una heladería

ok cuando?


a que hora?

estás libre alrededor de las 6:30?


ok! te recogeré a las 6:30

ok te veo al rato:)

if im being honest i didn't feel like going out but i wanted to see what diego looks like outside of training.

i started getting ready, i wore some black cargo pants and a grey tube top. i decided not to wear makeup today because lets be honest, im not doing a full face for something that isn't even going to last an hour.

ya estoy afuera🙈

ahi voyy

i walked downstairs and saw that edson was watching a movie with sofia and valentina, i tried making it to the door without making noise but the big ass door made everyone turn their heads towards me.
"a dónde vas?" edson raised his eyebrow at me.
"con mi amiga" i crossed my arms.
"ni tienes amigas wey" he gave me a 'be fr' tone.
"si tengo!" i hate when he says i dont but lets be honest, no tengo amigas.
"ok, lo que tu digas." he shrugged and continued with the movie. i opened the front door and clicked the button to open the gate before i left.
"can you close the gate?!" i shouted before closing the door.
"si!" edson shouted back.

as soon as i stepped foot outside i saw diego waiting for me outside his car.
"hola" i smiled at diego and he flashed a smile back in return.
"como estas?" he opened the door for me which shocked me.
"estoy bien y tú?" i got inside and looked at him as he closed the door and walked to the driver's seat.
"estoy bien ahora que estás aquí" he started the car and started driving out the neighborhood.
"ah" i smiled.

"ya llegamos" he stopped the car and ran out of it, before i could put my hand on the handle he had opened the door already. he extended his hand so he can help me out.
"gracias diego"

"puedes darnos un helado de chocolate y un helado de fresa?" diego asked the lady at the front.
"ok, será todo para ustedes?" she looked at me then diego.
"si" diego nodded.
"el total sera cien pesos" diego handed her the money and we went to go sit down while we waited.

"un helado de chocolate y un helado de fresa!" me and diego got up from the table and went over to grab our ice cream.

"quieres ir a algún lado o quieres que te lleve a casa?" he asked when we got into the car and to be honest i didn't feel like going home yet.
"podemos ir al centro comercial?"
"si, vamos." he took out his phone and put directions to the mall.

"a que tienda quieres ir primero?" he looked around.
"sephora!" i got excited because ive been needing a new primer and some setting powder.
he smiled at the way i got excited and walked us towards the sephora.

me and diego went to go sit down on a bench that was right outside the store, it was a little awkward before he broke the silence.
"quien es tu artista favorita?" he asked looking around the dead mall.
"junior h" i smiled.
"serio?!" his face lit up
"si. quien es tu favorito?"
"junior h también es mi favorito" he had a big smile plastered on his face.
"cual es to canción favorita de el"
"también es my favorita" he ran a hand through his already messy hair.

we started talking about god knows what and turns out we have a lot in common..

"adios diego, te veo mañana" i gave him a side hug and made my way towards the house.
"no sabía que tu 'amiga' se parecía a diego?" edson popped up out of nowhere, scaring the absolute shit out of me.
"ya déjame en paz! soy mayor de edad para hacer lo que yo quiera" i rolled my eyes at him and walked upstairs.
"bueno, solo digo que no creo que tú y diego deberían estar juntos."
"porque?" i scoffed at him
"porque es un cabron, solo va a jugar con tus sentimientos y luego se ira." he put his hands up in defense
"ya callate edson, i dont want to hear it from you!" i walked into my room and kicked off my shoes.

"should i ask kevin if diego is a player? no, thats dumb why would he snitch on his own friend." i thought as i stared at my ceiling.
i mean it's not even like im trying to mess with him so whats the point?

a/n:VERY short chapter 😪

psicodelica, diego lainez x reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now