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Top: Jimin
Bottom: Jungkook

Today is Jungkook's annual spring cleaning day. He cleaned about 3/4 of his house with just the mini library to finish up. First off, he brought in his dusting brush for the books, a mop to clean the tiles and polish to clean the shelves. After work each day, Jungkook would come in here to relax. He had recently bought this house from an old friend before he moved away.

This house was older than anything he could imagine. Before he bought it, his friend told him that this house was his family special hideout. It was passed down to them for years, having small surprises hidden away. Jungkook had recently discovered a secret tunnel leading to a underground pool. God knows what else this house has to uncover.

While he was cleaning up the final shelf, a green book feel onto his head from the above shelf. "Ow, what the hell." He mumbled in pain. The book was thick and hard covered to so it made a good impact on his head. He decided to take a small break since he was at it for hours now. Jungkook looked at his hand and a smile of curiosity came on his face.

"Mysteries Of The Unknown? Hmm, sounds like an interesting book." Jungkook said to himself before putting on the air-conditioner, grabbing himself a nice icy bottle of water while sitting in his favorite chair. What's a little break without a read huh? It wouldn't hurt and beside, the book looks very interesting. After Jungkook took a nice few gulps of his water, he opened the book and began to read.

"Chapter one...his background." What Jungkook didn't know is that this isn't just some supernatural story book. That book he is currently reading holds centuries worth of mysterious creature's information in it. Jungkook was blown away by the creativity of this book. Never in his whole book reading life had he ever came upon such a interesting story book.

He went from chapter 1 to 2 then somehow he got to 15. Jungkook wasn't lying when he said that he reads a lot but something was a bit different about this book. It shows a picture for each organism and it's danger level. Jungkook wasn't paying attention to it as much until he got to chapter 17. "The bloodsucker of both day and night? Wow, who is this author, they are damn creative!"

While reading this chapter, Jungkook's mind was open to a lot of knowledge. The book thought him about many creatures but this chapter had his full attention. Coming to the middle of the story, Jungkook got to see an image of a creature. It was tall, covered in blood and boy was it terrifying. His eyes lingered towards the end where he saw a green highlighted phrase.

"Huh?" He questioned himself. He read the hand written message above and couldn't belive it. That sentence was somewhat of a summoning phrase to the bloodsucking creature that he just read about. "Thy shall be aware of this book because in the hands of a person you shall become a crook. Behold the image of danger don't be surprised when you see a stranger."

What he just read was only the warning. Now, he is going to read the important part. Jungkook was focused on this part, somehow he felt as if the book was talking to him. "I call upon the all mighty blood Reaper. You are not banished anymore, unleash yourself from the torture as you walk again amongst us!" This was a bit intense since Jungkook's head began to spin so he placed the book down and rubbed his head.

Poor boy wasn't aware of what he did. Suddenly, the book began to glow and Jungkook sat there in shock. It hovered over his body then it went to the middle of the room and dropped down. Soon it began to spin and above the book grew a black portal. Jungkook was shaking in fear, what did he read, what did he just say? Suddenly, a hand covered in black gooe came out.

It was like Jungkook was witnessing a horror movie in real life. He can hear the screaming of humans in the portal which gave Jungkook goosebumps. What is going on? Soon, a figure of the dark came out and dropped onto the floor. The book stopped spinning, the portal closed and everything seemed normal. There on the ground was a body but not just any body, it was human.

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