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( n ) a particular move in
the art of ballet, or the action
of one at their happiest


-: golden era :-


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When Roger Davies decided to step down as Quidditch Captain for Ravenclaw, to allow for a focus on his Seventh Year studies (as it so happened, he failed Transfiguration at the end of his sixth year and quite frankly Professor McGonagall would not let that happen), the position, came quite naturally, to one of the Chasers on the team. She was only a fifth year, a half-blood, who had come to Hogwarts with a rather solid friendship with the Weasley twins but too many brains to land herself in Gryffindor with those oafs.

Beatrice Solace had grown up in Ottery St. Catchpole, not five minutes away from the Burrow, and had spent the entirety of her childhood thriving in the quiet of the small village, awaiting summer to come and trying to get out of their weekly lessons her mother taught the three of them to prepare them for Hogwarts, which they would dream about after hearing stories from Bill and Charlie. But when it came to it, their friendship was somewhat torn apart by the simple yet discerning factor that she had been Sorted in Ravenclaw, where the Hat deemed her better suited.

It became clear, as the years went on, that Beatrice was tirelessly devoted to the cause of Ravenclaw winning, much to the twins' chagrin, yet they seemed to bolster their way through the disharmony the sport brought by the girl playing an essential role to their plans; they were clever within themselves, but that often meant they lacked the common sense when it came to the ferocity of their pranks, and acting alone often meant more error than trial and quite luckily, Beatrice could fix that.

But as it came to their fifth year, and the focus on their plans turned to profiting off of their genius rather than focusing on their effect on the rest of the school, Beatrice would find her new position as Quidditch captain became quite... lucrative. In the social standing of the school, she was now the front of the rivalry between house, except she was lucky couldn't quite deem it as so impactful as that between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Despite that, and despite Beatrice's best efforts, there seemed to be another rivalry growing, between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw this time. She did her best to try not to, really, but alas, Cedric Diggory - the new Hufflepuff captain and their Seeker - was just too annoying.

Really, he did nothing but flirt his way through the year, excel in Transfiguration and Charms and Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes - how they had ended up in every single class together Beatrice wouldn't know but Jesus - and somehow manage to top her in classes every single time.

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