Miz and dolph talks to Seth

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Dolph found miz and when they saw randy fault they wanted to try something different they walk into the same office and see Seth twirling the gun they walk-in and Seth looks at them
Dolph-we figured you won't listen to reason from solo people
Miz-why not trying a duet
Seth-not gonna change my mind everyone wanted me to be this crazy person wanted me to man up and I did
Dolp-not like this Seth you've proven that
Miz-we shouldn't of hurt your feelings
Seth-you didnt you just added fuel to an already lite fire
Dolph-what do you mean
Seth-it doesn't matter anymore
Miz-why not
Seth-because someone is gonna die tonight and I know who it might be
Dolph-Seth please don't do something you'll regret
Seth-like yall regretting my friendship
Miz-what no
Seth-I see it now all yall just want me to let my guard down so
Dolph-that's not it at all
Seth-sure now do me a favor and leave
They look at each other sighing they can't get through to Seth no one can but maybe somebody who isn't them as they leave they see Seth leaning against the chair deep in thought

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