Calla Ragnvindr

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^ her looks

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^ her looks

-She's 17 (in her version of the future)
-She was born via alchemy thanks to Albedo's alchemical knowledge
-She is Diluc and Kaeya's daughter (at least in her future she is)
-She wields pyro AND cryo but usually only uses pyro because if she uses her cryo, she could be seen as weird (thanks to alchemy, she is somehow able to use both elements but no one can understand how)
-She inherited the darknight hero title from Diluc (she had to train with Diluc before he would hand it to her though)
-She unlike Kaeya does not wear an eyepatch to cover her eye
-She has a very "serious" personality (in other words, she's very much like Diluc but also Kaeya in other ways) [i.e. she follows rules and regulations to a t]
-She is also a Knight of Favonius in Kaeya's calvary. (Yes, Jean knows that she is the new Darknight Hero)
-Her right eye is golden yellow because that is her curse from having a Khaenri'ahn parent. (TL;DR: she got it from Kaeya)
-She was named after the Calla Lilies found near Dawn Winery (her middle name is Dawn, however)
-when she is not doing duties with the Knights of Favonius or doing Darknight Hero things, she would often be seen behind the bar of Angel's Share
-she is mainly a claymore user but also knows how to use a sword

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