Chapter:8 It's Too Late to Apologize

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Sheng Mingkong is a person who will do it immediately once he confirms something. He has no way of knowing when his feelings for Yu Chen began to deteriorate. After all, he has just learned whether he likes Yu Chen or not.

Sheng Mingkong has no experience and doesn't know how to pursue a person.

Apart from the Yu family, he has never seen normal love again. He knows that the relationship between his parents is abnormal, but he has no idea how to start a normal relationship and how to maintain it.

Sheng Mingkong frowned and thought. He has the habit of keeping a diary. When he opened the diary, most of them were brief one or two sentences. did not stop. He held on to the pen, which was the one Yu Chen gave him. The ink permeated into the thick paper, and blue ink flowers spread out all around, and vigorous and powerful words appeared on the paper. He wrote very slowly, as if he wanted to open up all his thoughts and confirm his most straightforward desires through writing. After half an hour, the pointer on the wall had pointed to zero, and he finally stopped.

Sheng Mingkong's brows were always furrowed. He seldom regretted one thing, but now, he extremely regretted the words he said to Yu Chen before. Every word made him imagine that when Yu Chen heard them, feelings.

Yu Chen asked him, "Do you think I'm cheap?"

Sheng Mingkong never felt that way, and was even angry that he thought of himself so much, but he just turned around and didn't answer until the end.

Just as Yu Chen knew his character well, he also knew Yu Chen. He knew that his silence would be regarded as his acquiescence, but he still did it.

Sheng Mingkong covered his eyes, things were worse than he imagined, so he didn't know where to start for a while, if Yu Chen didn't lose his memory, what he should do is to apologize to Yu Chen, and then ask His forgiveness.

But now, let alone these things, Yu Chen doesn't even remember Sheng Mingkong, so how to deal with this matter perfectly has become a difficult problem.

A gust of cool wind suddenly blew in through the open window. Sheng Mingkong stood up, only to realize that it was raining outside. He left the window open and stood by the window.

Sliding his fingers back and forth on the phone page, he thought for a while, and finally decided to call Ying Yunqi.

Although Jiang Wen has a lot of emotional experience, it is really not suitable for him. Ying Yunqi, who has a similar personality to him, may have a better solution.

Ying Yunqi was still awake, and he was a little surprised when he saw Sheng Mingkong's call.

"Why are you calling so late? Is there something urgent?"

"I have a question to ask you." Sheng Mingkong said calmly. If you just listen to his voice and look at his expression, you can't guess his emotions at all.

"Well, tell me." Ying Yunqi sat up, thinking that there was some serious problem.

Sheng Mingkong was as straightforward as usual: "I did some bad things to Xiao Chen in the past, how should I apologize to him now." He thought that Ying Yunqi would tell him the result soon or explain that he didn't know, but He waited for a long time, but did not hear Ying Yunqi's reply.

The sound of raindrops gradually became louder. Sheng Mingkong glanced at the phone, and when he was about to hang up, he finally heard Ying Yunqi's voice. He didn't know if it was because of the early morning, but he felt that the voice of the person on the other end of the phone was probing.

"Why did you ask these all of a sudden?"

Sheng Mingkong just thought he was thinking too much, he didn't hide it: "It's nothing, I just found out that I like him suddenly, but now he doesn't remember me, so I want to ask if it was you, would you like me?" How will we deal with it?"

There was another silence.

Sheng Mingkong no longer wondered if he was thinking too much, something was really wrong with Ying Yunqi, he knocked on the window sill with one hand, waiting for an answer.

"If it was me, I would apologize to him first." A laugh came from Ying Yunqi, and without waiting for Sheng Mingkong's reaction, he continued: "Whether Xiao Chen remembers those things now or not, After all, you did something wrong to him."

"Okay, I understand, thank you, it's getting late, you can rest." Sheng Mingkong hung up the phone, he thought so too, but he was worried that this kind of apology would make people feel sad. Yu Chen, who was completely blank towards him now, has become less sensitive towards him.

But Ying Yunqi was right, no matter what, he did something wrong, so he should have an apology.

The Summer Dance Cup competition is already underway, the first round of school selection and recommendation has passed, and now it is entering the second round, requesting to send dance videos.

In the dance room, Yu Chen stood in front of the camera. The dance was called "Drinking Alone", which was not his original creation.

There was no one around, except for the sound of ticking rain, only the sound of his movements, swinging the curtain, jumping in the air, every movement was done to the extreme.

Once Yu Chen dances, it is difficult to notice the surroundings, the camera does not have the slightest sense of presence, he is immersed in his own world, the dance movements do not need to be recalled, they are already deeply embedded in the body's muscle memory, smooth and natural, The lonely and desolate emotion in the dance is vividly expressed. He had practiced this dance for a long time, and it was also his favorite dance. After five minutes passed, the dance ended, as if a dream had ended, and Yu Chen returned to the dance studio.

Teacher Chen, who had been watching from a distance, applauded: "You did a great job."

Panting lightly, Yu Chen said a few words to Teacher Chen, then turned around and saw Sheng Mingkong outside the door, he lightly He frowned slightly, the movement was very light and not obvious.

But Sheng Mingkong in the distance saw keenly that he didn't show any expression, but his heart seemed to be clenched.

Yu Chen walked over. The temperature has been a little cold under the rain for the past few days. He just broke out in a sweat. In order not to catch a cold, he was wearing a beige coat.

"How did you come here?" he asked.

"Are you free now? There's something I want to tell you." Sheng Mingkong glanced across his powdered face, and after a pause of a few seconds, he retracted his eyes, his eyelashes drooping, covering the emotions inside.

Yu Chen pursed his lower lip: "It's right here."

Sheng Mingkong looked up at Teacher Chen in the dance room. She was still watching the video just recorded and didn't pay attention to this side. He opened his lips: "Xiao Chen , You asked me that day why you only forgot about me, after I went back, I thought about it for a long time."

Yu Chen just said "um", watching the tall man speak slowly.

Sheng Mingkong has never been a person who is good at words. What he is best at is straightforwardness, directly presenting the facts in front of him, and then doing what he should do. He can't think of beautiful words, and he can't say them: "Although I I don't dare to admit it, but in fact, I did hurt you the most, so I want to apologize to you."

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