♕Tender Touch♕

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This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental.


Jimin - August 10th

I'm looking forward to today. I gave Aaliyah some time to herself the rest of last month but after the kiss the previous month. I've grown more excited for this day, a day to spend just with her to grow more fond of one another. I've thought thoroughly about what she should do to spend time together. I want to be as close to her as possible and as intimate as possible but not too much to scare her away enough to get her to be intimate back to me to grow our relationship, so this date must go well enough that we can separate from each other morning has already come and went. I've been around the village setting up our date in the palace's backyard. I haven't seen Aaliyah all morning, and soon I make it back to the court and sneak past the garden where Aaliyah spends her free time and straight to the back of the castle, the four guards carrying essential items for our date.


After setting up, I grab the flowers I bought just for her and see if she is still in the garden. Finding her not here and knowing she gets hungry a lot, I go to the kitchen in the kitchen I find her takings a bite of food, and she sighs and leans on the counter with a smile. I watch her and smile, then realize she's eating, so I walk in and slide the plate away.

"I wouldn't overeat. You still have a date to go on with me."

I lean on the counter in front of her, and she places the fork down and looks at my right hand, holding blue and purple flowers.

"those for me?"

I shake my head no, and she frowns

"They are for my future wife to be"

I smile, and she playfully pushes my chest, and I have the flowers to her

"There, all yours, Aaliyah. Now follow me. I've got something to show you."

she grabs the flowers and follows me as I lead her past the garden to the back of the palace, revealing the setup I put together. I turn to her, walking backward, looking at her reaction. With a smile, she looks around

"Archery? How do you know? I don't know how to shot?"

"guards, give me a little nudge on something I can teach you and have fun with."

I nudged my head over to the guards, and she turned to the guards that never show emotions looking out into space and keeping us safe from a distance. She looked back at me and walked towards me, and I watched her every move as she walked past me. I watched her drag her hand over the arrows, and she picked up the bow I placed for her.

"why is there only one bow?"

I look down and smile and walk to her.

"it's for you. I already know how to handle and shoot from a bow and arrow, Aaliyah. I'm here to teach and feed you after, so why don't we get started."

I stand behind her, place her left hand on the front of the bow, and show her how many fingers she needs to shoot. I hold her hand.

"all you need is your pointer and middle finger to shoot cup the string here."

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