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I was being driven in my uncle's taxi to the Bluelock Building, and as I looked out the window at the enormous structure, I noticed the words 'Bluelock' etched into its façade. When we arrived at the entrance, I opened the door and went to the trunk to retrieve my luggage. Just as I was about to open it, the taxi suddenly drove away, leaving me stranded and bewildered.

'Hey, wait! What the fuck?!', I yelled after the departing taxi. After being dropped off like that, it was clear that something was amiss with my uncle's taxi service. I felt both concerned and frustrated at the same time.

A brown-short-haired woman then greeted me, " Hey excuse me?! Did you see that taxi just drove off with MY belongings? Now all I have is my phone!" You complained, " It's okay ma'am, your uncle ordered them to do that, unfortunately," the lady said to you.

You scoffed and started to have second thoughts on why you agreed to this position, " Oh- sorry but, My name is Anri, I am the assistant of your uncle, Ego who runs the place, once again unfortunately, and would you please follow me."

Anri then started to walk into the building and you followed, the halls looked bland and looked like something out of the backrooms or something. As you were walking you started to think about why you did agree, I mean, Ego didn't get into detail about the position, all I remember was him saying something about soccer, training with boys, egoist, blah blah blah. Anri then stopped in front of a room, you were still stuck in your thoughts and bumped into her back, "hmmp" Anri made a sound. " OH sorry ma'am! " you said backing up, " Oh it's ok, I shouldn't have stopped so suddenly!", You both started to become really apologetic.

Anri then put in a card key then the door opened and said "Here, this is a key for your room," she handed the key to you "I hope you find it to your liking." You looked inside and it was a really nice room, with a lot of things inside, a bed, a closet, a huge bathroom, and a desk.

You then thanked Anri for her hospitality and she smiled and said "No problem, by the way for clothes in the closet are yours, they are bluelocks suits, they are all the same so no worry, now if you need me I will be in the office, just call me." She pointed to the room phone. You nodded and she left, leaving you in the room.

You stepped into the room and looked around, taking in all the details. You couldn't believe how nice and comfortable the place was, it had everything you could possibly need. The bed looked cozy and inviting, the closet was full of clothes and the desk had plenty of room for you to do some work.

You were still in a state of shock, having agreed to a job that you knew nothing about, but it seemed like Ego had taken good care of you. surprisingly.

You leaned back against the bed and let out a long sigh. You had no idea what the job would entail, but you were determined to make the best of it. You took a deep breath and stepped out of the room, ready to explore the building and find out more about your new job.

You heard a knock at your door, you got up tired and opened it, it wooshed open and you saw Anri.

" Hi sorry to bother you but your uncle needs you, and you need to change," She said smiling, " yes ma'am," you said.

You closed the door and took a deep breath, looking down at the black suit before you. It was made from a special material, with a tight elastic that hugged your curves perfectly. Taking off your clothes, you stepped into it and pulled it up, feeling the snugness of it against your body.

You looked in the mirror and saw your reflection, a new person staring back at you. You felt confident and powerful, knowing that no matter what happened outside, you were ready. You smiled at yourself, feeling the strength of the suit around you.

You reached into your pockets and put your phone and key in them, then took off your shoes.

You opened the door and followed Anri, after a few minutes you both arrived at Your uncle's room. Anri entered a code and the door opened, it was an extremely dark room with many monitors. I had to adjust my eyes to the darkness before I focused on the skinny-stick figure back facing me.

"Hello Again, My Favorite and Only Niece"

Ego greeted me with a sarcastic tone and I walked up next to him to see the monitors. They were playing live videos of boys playing soccer. "So just in case your incompetent little brain didn't process what I said the other day, I am going to explain the system," he said, pausing for effect.

"The others on this monitor weren't just your roommates, they were your rivals and you are going to have to push each other higher. I used my personal judgment to quantify my abilities and rank me with the other 300 participants. That ranking would change by the day, depending on the training and games, but I had specially put you as number 301, even though there were only supposed to be 300 players originally. In the end, those in the top five would be registered for the U20 World Cup happening six months from now." Ego finished

"Represent Japan in the U20!?"
I thought, my mind racing at the possibility.

"By the way, if you fail the Blue Lock, you will forever lose the right to represent Japan in the U20," Ego finished.

"Wait, wait, wait, are you serious?" I said, fazed.

"Yes. I. Am. If you have a problem, get the fuck out, but you know what will happen if you walk out," he started to smile. "Fucking loony," I said and turned around to walk out until Anri stopped me.

"I'm sorry, but we need to confiscate your phone," she said. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her.

I walked out of the room frustrated and feeling trapped in this prison. I was determined to prove Ego wrong and take Japan to the U20 World Cup and make him eat his words.

I had to get to the top five, no matter what it took.

You are going to represent Japan at the U20 World Cup and you will not let anyone stop you. You had to do what it takes to get the top rank and you were not going to give up until you achieved it. You had to be the best in order to represent Japan. You were ready and confident in your skills, you were going to show your uncle and everyone else that you were the best. You were going to represent Japan proudly and make sure that your team won. You were going to do it, you had to achieve your goal and you were going to make your mom proud. You were going to show the world what you are capable of.

As you arrived in front of your room, you pulled out your key card out of your pocket, scanned it and the door opened and you entered your room and jumped on your bed and tried to go to sleep.


You looked to your bedside and saw the room phone, you got up with a sigh and picked it up, " Hello? " you answered, " Hi it's Anri, sorry to bother you but I forgot to remind you that you will need to meet your team, team Z" she said, " Yes, yes, I'll do it " "Okay have a good afternoon".

You then hung up the phone and finally got to bed and start to doze off.

𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫➬➬➬➬➬➬➬

@𝕯𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖘𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖗𝖗 ᴛᴍ


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