Chapter 20.5 ⭐️

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Emu's POV:

I smiled as I admired the ring on my finger, which shone in the the light from the window. Despite the proposal being a week ago, I still had butterflies and my face went warm every time I thought about it.

Nene walked into our shared room a while later, frowning and throwing her backpack on the ground. Without a word she slipped her headphones and shoes off a walked over to me on the bed. I smiled and opened my arms, which she sighed, relieved at before falling on top of me. She buried her face in my neck as I began to stroke up and down her back with one hand, the other playing with her hair.

"What's wrong love?" I asked after a minute, giving her time to relax

"My extra classes are so unbelievably hard and long and I hate everyone there" she groaned, placing a small kiss on my collarbone

"What's wrong with the people?"

"They all give me looks and don't talk to me"

"Oh, I'm sorry love" I frowned "if it makes you feel any better, it doesn't really matter what they think. Sure your a little tough on the outside but your the sweetest, caring, beautiful, creative, lovely, smart, funny, kind, respectful, compassionate, most brilliant person I know. They don't know who you actually are but I bet they wish they did"

Nene sighed and kissed my neck a few more times before rolling off me, her face red.

"Thank you, Emu" she smiled "You're kinda right I guess"

"You guess?" I joked

"I know" she corrected "but what if I am doing something wrong? Am I annoying? Too quiet? Not quiet enough? Coming off angry? Am I mean or cruel?"

She began to panic and I cupped her face in my hands, making her look me in the eyes

"You are none of those things, okay? Your perfect. And if they don't see that in you then screw them" I assured, littering her face with kisses "you're amazing and smart and capable, there's nothing wrong"

Nene stayed quiet, but she smiled at me a little

"Promise?" She said softly

"Promise times 100" I grinned, pulling her into a hug

The two of us laid together for a while, before my fiancé decided to start a new conversation.

"Y'know, that Tessa girl was at my class today" she started

"Oh, did she talk to you at all?" I asked, playing with the girls green hair

"Yeah, but she kept asking about Rui. Like, nonstop questions about his age, hobbies, favorite foods, anything personal really. She's really obsessed with him" she frowned, thinking of Tsukasa

"That's really weird, but can't you just tell her he's gay?" I commented, starting to braid

"No, he's not out to that many people, and it's not my job to tell everyone"

"Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense"

"Anyways, I hope Tsukasa can make a move before her. She's planning to tell him at the party on Thursday"

"Yeah, she's really weird. I don't think he'd be content with her if he did accept, and if he didn't I think there might be trouble" I agreed

We discussed the issue for a while longer before deciding to get dinner from the cafeteria. So the two of us threw on our shoes and coats, before taking one another's hand and walking out and away.


I promise you all it's gonna get better from here to chapter 24, please just bear with me

Thanks for reading, the next chapter will be out soon :)

Also @crocslii here it is ✨

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